1, backhand baby style
Back bodybuilding: kneel down, keep your back straight, put your hands on your sides and look forward. Inhale and put your hands and fingers behind your hips. Exhale, bend forward, and press your abdomen against your thighs until your forehead touches the ground. Keep breathing naturally, keep posture for about 15 seconds, then go back to step 1 rest and repeat for 2 or 3 times.
Warm reminder of the way to keep fit: when doing this pose, pay attention to keeping elbows straight, shoulder blades adducted, and pay attention to the upper back. You can exercise the upper trapezius muscle and strengthen the weak back muscles. Stretch your chest and shoulders to enhance your vital capacity.
2. Iceberg style
Back bodybuilding yoga action: the upper body is straight and sit cross-legged. Inhale for 3 seconds, at the same time, straighten your arms to the left and right, palms up, and lift them from the side to the top of your head. Exhale for 3 seconds, turn your upper body 90 degrees to the right and hold your breath for 6 seconds. Then inhale for 3 seconds and turn your upper body back to its original position. Exhale for 2 seconds, palms down, arms from the top of your head to your sides.
Warm reminder of health care: this action can stretch the whole spine and relax the back muscles. But people with serious heart problems can't do this.
3. Hand-lift type
Back bodybuilding yoga action: stand with your feet together, or half a foot apart, put your hands in front of your body and relax. Inhale for 3 seconds, raise your arms above your head and keep your hands crossed. Tilt your head back slightly, look up at your hands and pause for 6 seconds. You don't have to hold your breath. Open your arms at shoulder height and stay for 6 seconds. Inhale for 3 seconds to restore the posture of crossing your head with your hands, and pause for 3 seconds. Exhale for 3 seconds, lower your arm and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
Warm reminder of health care: this action can eliminate the stiffness of shoulders and upper back.
4. Badha Konasana
Back bodybuilding yoga action: sit on the ground and straighten your legs forward. Bend your knees so that your feet are close to your torso and your heels and soles are close together. Grasp your toes with both hands and keep your heels close to your perineum. Put your feet on the ground outside. Spread your thighs and lower your knees until you touch the ground. Hold your toes firmly with your fingers, keep your spine straight, and look forward or inward at the tip of your nose. Try to keep this posture. Press your elbows down toward your thighs. Exhale, bend forward, and land head, nose and chin in turn. Keep this posture and breathe normally.
Warm reminder of health care: inhale, connect the back, exhale and bend forward.
5. Locust type
Back bodybuilding yoga action: prone on the ground, palm down, face down, hands on your sides, feet together, stretch back. Exhale, slowly raise your head, chest, hands and feet up at the same time, and stretch your limbs as far as possible. Keep breathing naturally, keep posture for about 15 seconds, then go back to step 1 rest and repeat for 2 or 3 times.
Warm reminder of health care: It can exercise erector spinae in the back and strengthen weak back muscles. Stretch the chest and thighs to correct the cold back. You need to use your back muscles to raise your limbs and upper body as much as possible, and only your pelvis and abdomen support your body.
6, the back button
Back bodybuilding yoga action: stand with your legs together in a mountain pose. Inhale, bend and put your right hand behind the thoracic spine, palm back, and hand back close to the spine. If you can't put your palm near the thoracic vertebra, you can draw your left elbow closer to the center of your back with your right hand. Raise your right hand and bend your elbow. Lock the fingers of your left hand and right hand together. Put your right hand behind your head with your elbow up. Keep breathing naturally, keep posture for about 20 seconds, and then do the other side according to the sample after completion, and repeat twice on each side.
Warm reminder of health care: keep your eyes forward and keep your head balanced with the ground. Hands up. Put your hands up as much as you can. It can stretch the chest and the upper part of the spine to correct the cold back. Relieve shoulder pain and make shoulder joint flexible.
7. Camel style
Back bodybuilding yoga action: kneel down, legs flat on the ground, feet facing the sky. The thigh and torso are in line. Inhale and put your hands above your pelvis. Exhale, slowly bend back, first put your right hand on your right foot to keep up, and then put your left hand on your left foot to keep up. The method is the same. Inhale, hold out your chest, relax your head and keep breathing naturally. Hold the posture for about 15 to 30 seconds. After finishing, slowly return to the original posture and rest as a baby.
Warm reminder of health care: relax your head and don't stretch your neck too far back. The pelvis and thighs are perpendicular to the ground. The effect is to enlarge the chest and improve the cold back. Relieve back pain and shoulder pain. Stretch the spine and shoulders to increase softness.
8. Rabbit style
Back bodybuilding yoga action: Kneel at a 90-degree angle between the calf and thigh, keep the upper body straight, lift your arms up while inhaling, then bend forward and lift your hips, and keep your arms and head in a straight line with your torso until your hands can be flat on the ground and your forehead touches the ground. After a few seconds, the forehead is slightly raised and held for a few minutes. Then inhale slowly, straighten your upper body and return to the starting position.
Warm reminder of health care: This action can stretch back muscles, open various spinal joints, give space and reduce spinal pressure.
Back bodybuilding yoga action: after kneeling at a 90-degree angle between the calf and thigh, the front bow of the upper body is parallel to the ground, the hands are vertical enough on the ground, and the back hand is raised and straightened to shoulder height. Inhale, hold your head as high as possible and straighten your spine. Expand the abdomen as completely as possible, inhale as much air as possible into the lungs, and hold your breath for 6 seconds. Exhale, bow your head (not too low), arch and stretch your spine for 6 seconds.
Warm reminder of health care: This posture helps to improve the flexibility of the neck and spine.
What yoga poses can correct hunchback? The above are yoga moves for your reference.