*-shaped tumor is generated by covering epithelium, and grows outward to form a *-shaped protrusion, which grows slowly and is small in size, and can be single or multiple. According to the data, the overlying epithelium can be divided into squamous epithelium (head and face, external auditory canal or glans penis) and columnar epithelium (stomach, intestine, etc. ) and transitional epithelium (renal pelvis, bladder, etc. Tumors that grow in the penis and bladder are more likely to become malignant tumors.
Second, moles and melanoma.
(1) mol
Congenital black spots composed of melanocytes. Can be divided into: intradermal nevus: located in the dermis, protruding from the skin surface, sometimes with hair, the most common.
Borderline nevus: located at the junction of epidermis and dermis, it is active, flat and deeply pigmented. Hands and feet are easy to happen and hateful. It can be transformed into mixed mole in early stage, and finally become a stable intradermal nevus.
Mixed mole: Located in the basal layer of epidermis and the superficial layer of dermis, its borderline nevus tends to be malignant.
Treatment: borderline nevus can be removed, the incision is about 0.5cm away from the edge of nevus, and routine examination is performed. Avoid incomplete excision or chemical cautery, laser or cryotherapy, because it is impossible to check the disease.
(2) Melanoma
It can be caused by malignant transformation of nevus (related to long-term friction) or it can occur by itself. It is characterized by rapid increase, deepening pigment, itching discomfort, pain, ulceration, bleeding, pigment ring or satellite tumor around, and local lymph node enlargement. Melanoma develops rapidly and metastasizes early.
Treatment: regional lymph node dissection was performed after toe amputation or low toe amputation I, and BCG intradermal scratches were treated during perioperative period. In the case of difficult radical resection, the tumor focus should be controlled by immunization or local cryotherapy before surgical resection.
Third, lipoma.
Lipoma mostly occurs under the skin of neck, shoulders, back and buttocks, and malignant transformation is rare; Those located in deep or body cavity may develop into liposarcoma.
Multiple subcutaneous lipomas do not need treatment; Large single subcutaneous lipoma or deep lipoma needs early operation; If malignant transformation is suspected, the scope of resection should be expanded.
Fourthly, fibroma.
Fibromas are often mixed with other components to become fibroadenoma, fibrolipoma, fibromyoma and so on. Simple fibromas include:
It usually occurs in the dermis or subcutaneous layer near the trunk and upper arm, and many small papules appear after trauma or itching, and the masses are hard. The edge is not clear, because it is accompanied by internal bleeding, which contains iron yellow and dark brown. If the tumor exceeds lcm and grows rapidly, it should be suspected as fibrosarcoma and needs to be completely removed.
(II) Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
Located in the dermis, protruding from the body surface, the surface looks like keloid, easy to occur in the trunk, low-grade malignant, easy to recur after resection, and the malignancy of repeated recurrence increases, which can be transferred by blood and should be removed as soon as possible.
(III) Ribbon fibroma
Abdominal muscle repair hyperplasia, not a real tumor, no obvious capsule, should be surgically removed.
Five, hemangioma
Hemangiomas are divided into:
① Capillary hemangioma
More common in baby girls. At the beginning, the skin has red spots or small erythema, which gradually increases, and the red color deepens and bulges. It is divided into: true tumors grow faster than babies, with clear tumor boundaries, which can fade slightly when pressed.
Hamartomas are the majority and can stop growing or subside after one year. Examination website arrangement
Treatment of early tumor, surgical resection or cryotherapy. The tumor is enlarged and can still be used, but it is easy to leave scars. It can also be used to embolize capillaries and shrink tumors by 32 phosphorus or X-ray irradiation. If the growth range is wide, prednisone can be used for systemic treatment to limit its expansion.
(2) Cavernous hemangioma
It consists of venules and adipose tissue. It grows in subcutaneous tissues and muscles, and a few can grow in bones or internal organs.
Subcutaneous cavernous hemangioma makes muscles hypertrophy and droop locally. Long in the lower limbs, standing or walking for a long time will feel bloated.
Surgical resection should be carried out as soon as possible, the range of lesions should be fully estimated before operation, bleeding should be controlled during operation, and tumor tissue should be removed as completely as possible. Can assist local injection of vascular sclerosing agent.
(3) Tendinous hemangioma
Most of them are thick and tortuous veins, and there may also be arterial or arteriovenous fistula. It occurs in subcutaneous, intramuscular and bone tissues, with a large range. Common serpentine blood vessels have obvious compressibility and expansibility; Some can hear vascular murmurs and touch induration; If it happens in the lower limbs, the skin becomes thinner and even bleeds. Involving more muscle groups will affect athletic ability, and teenagers involved in bone tissue will make limbs grow, thicken or shorten. Before surgical resection, we should know the scope of hemangioma before operation and make preparations for massive blood transfusion during operation.
Six, sebaceous cyst
Sebaceous gland cyst is due to the blockage of sebaceous gland duct in dermis, which leads to the retention of sebum and exfoliated epithelium, also known as powder tumor. The lump is not big, but a round bump, such as hard rubber. The small black dot in the middle is the glandular duct blocked by epithelium. Connected to the skin, without deep adhesion, can move at will. More common in sebaceous glands.
Sebaceous gland cyst is not a tumor, but it can be secondary to infection. The cyst wall should be completely removed during treatment. When there is infection, first resist infection, and then cut and drain the abscess.