Function: Pass in a parameter sid to get his submenu object "submenusid". If the property of this object is hidden ( == "none "), it will be displayed ( ==" ").
Similarly, if it is displayed, hide it.
In this way, this js is called to hide and display the menu when you click something.
& lt scripting language = javascript & gt
//This is a function of explicit and implicit control of elements.
Function display submenu (sid)
WhichEl = eval ("submenu"+sid); //Convert "submenu" +sid into an executable statement. Eval means to calculate the value of an expression and return the result.
If (which = = "none")//If the object is not displayed,
Eval ("submenu"+sid+",style.display = \" \ "); //The object is set to display
eval("submenu" + sid +",style.display = \ " none \"); //The object is set not to be displayed
& lt/SCRIPT & gt;