Dangban 88850363
Emergency center 88843432
Xiaoerke 88843454
Burn Ⅰ 88850489
Ward radiation 88843434
Burn Ⅱ 88850480
Transmission and dyeing department 88843459
Pediatric ophthalmology door 88855007
Burn Ⅲ degree 88857473
Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office 88850 196
Ultrasonic emulsification 8884346 1
CT room 889 19735
Laser clinic 88843462
Neiyi 889 14960
Outpatient hotline 88843448
Neil 88843438
Infirmary 888502 15
Dental clinic 88854467
Neisan 88843439
Wuguan outpatient 88854672
Deep ward 8885550 1
Directory assistance 88843447
Marketing department 88843450
Orthopedics clinic 8885447
Inner door 88843440
Yangyuan Branch 868 1 1373
Traditional Chinese medicine outpatient 88843463
Fever clinic 88850293
Audit section 88850 186
Traditional Chinese Medicine Ward 88843460
Waiyi 88843452
The general duty of the hospital is 888503 17.
Ward test 88843436
Waier 8884345 1
Pathology department 88843442
Extracorporeal lithotripsy room 88850407
Director of Plastic Surgery Office 889 19 195 Anesthesia Operating Room 8843455
Plastic surgery clinic 88850 182
Acupuncture clinic 88855523
Plastic surgery 888503 16
Forensic medicine outpatient 88850467
Special inspection department 8877 194
Outpatient office 88850255
Obstetrics hotline 88843449
Copyright: Wuhan Third Hospital
No.241,Pengliuyang Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, China (430060)
Tel: 027-88843447 Fax: 027-888732 19.