Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease involving multiple systems and organs, with complex clinical manifestations and prolonged and repeated course of disease. SLE patients are widely distributed all over the world, with great regional differences. It is estimated that there are about one million SLE patients in China, and the trend is increasing year by year. Most of them are women of childbearing age. In the past, due to the lack of understanding of the disease, SLE patients had a high mortality rate, so people had fear and even compared it with cancer. In recent 20 years, due to the rapid development of clinical immunology, the early diagnosis and treatment of SLE is no longer a difficult problem. As long as most patients get the correct diagnosis and treatment from doctors, especially insist on long-term follow-up, their condition can be controlled and their life is very good. Many people have also organized happy families, raised children and improved their quality of life. According to statistics, the 10 annual survival rate of SLE patients in China is over 84%, which is already at the international advanced level.
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How to diagnose whether you have systemic lupus erythematosus?
At present, the classification standard revised by American Rheumatology Association 1982 is usually adopted. 1, butterfly erythema on face 2, disk erythema 3, sun allergy 4, oral or nasopharyngeal ulcer 5, non-invasive arthritis 6, serositis 7, renal damage 8, neuropathy: seizure or psychosis 9, hematological abnormalities: hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia or thrombocytopenia. 10, immunological abnormality: lupus cells are positive, anti-DS-DNA antibody is positive, anti-SM antibody is positive, or 6-month anti-syphilis serum test is false positive 1 1, and antinuclear antibody is positive. Clinically, under the premise of excluding other diseases, if there are four or more manifestations in the above-mentioned 1 1 standard, please note: because the diagnosis of SLE is complicated, you must go to a regular hospital and be diagnosed by a specialist, and you can't diagnose yourself to avoid misdiagnosis.
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What are the early manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus?
SLE is a systemic disease, including skin, muscle, bone, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, eyes, nose, ears, teeth and hair. Such as: fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, general malaise, joint swelling and pain, muscle soreness, weight loss, alopecia, facial erythema, fingertip rash, white or purple hands and feet after a cold, recurrent oral ulcer, superficial lymphadenopathy, menstrual bleeding, skin purpura, anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, headache, hallucination, auditory hallucination, numbness, intractable diarrhea and vomiting.
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How do patients choose treatment methods?
Be sure to go to a regular hospital for treatment. Through regular examination and examination, we can confirm whether we have SLE, and treat and use drugs under the guidance and supervision of specialists. Don't listen to advertisements, take medicine by yourself, or increase or decrease the dosage or stop taking medicine according to your self-feeling.
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What laboratory and instrument tests do patients need to do?
1, antinuclear antibody spectrum: titer >; 1: 20 has clinical significance. Among them, anti-ds-DNA antibody is SLE-specific antibody, which is related to disease activity and prognosis. Anti-Sm antibody and anti-Rib antibody are labeled antibodies and do not represent the activity of the disease. Patients with positive anti-SSA and anti-SSB antibodies often have symptoms such as dry mouth and dry eyes, and patients with positive anti-RNP antibodies often have Raynaud phenomenon. 50% ~ 70% patients are positive for anti-histone antibodies.
2, skin lupus band test: patients in the skin epidermis and dermis junction, there will be immune complex deposition. Take skin biopsy, and under the fluorescence microscope, we can see that the junction between epidermis and dermis is linear grass green fluorescence. It's called skin lupus band test. Lupus band is helpful for the diagnosis of SLE, but it is not unique to SLE patients. However, a strong positive lupus band test often shows that systemic lupus erythematosus is possible.
3, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, blood routine, urine routine
4. Serum complement C3, C4, CH50: The complement level is negatively correlated with SLE activity, and the serum complement is extremely low, so the disease is in a progressive stage.
5. Circulating immune complex: SLE increased in active phase.
6. Serum protein electrophoresis: the serum γ globulin or α2 and β globulin increased in the active period and returned to normal after treatment.
7. Rheumatoid factor: 20% ~ 30% of SLE patients are positive for rheumatoid factor.
8. Anti-phospholipid antibody: The existence of anti-phospholipid antibody can cause arteriovenous embolism; It can also lead to thrombocytopenia and bleeding. In addition to encephalopathy, antiphospholipid antibodies can also cause stillbirth or abortion.
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How do you know SLE has recurred?
Recurrence of the disease should be considered if the following symptoms and laboratory tests are abnormal.
1) fever of unknown cause. That is, fever cannot be explained by colds, throat, lung and urinary tract infections, nor is it caused by other diseases;
2) a fresh rash or vasculitis-like rash appears at the tip of the finger or other parts;
3) joint swelling and pain occur again;
4) obvious hair loss;
5) fresh ulcer of mouth and nose;
6) pleural effusion or pericardial effusion;
7) Increased proteinuria;
8) Leukopenia or thrombocytopenia or anemia is obvious;
9) nervous system symptoms, such as headache, vomiting and convulsions;
10) the titer of anti-double stranded DNA antibody increased;
1 1) the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased rapidly, reaching more than 50 mm/h;
12) complement decreased, especially C3 decreased. I suggest you follow the doctor's advice regularly.
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Questions and answers about systemic lupus erythematosus?
What is the relationship between SLE and fever? Fever often indicates that SLE is in the active stage, and measures should be taken in time to avoid the development of SLE. What is butterfly erythema? Butterfly erythema appeared on both cheeks, which was flaky and red in color. This is a sign of disease activity and needs active treatment. Why is there an oral ulcer? SLE can affect mucosal lesions, manifested as erosion, ulcer and redness, usually painless. The aggravation of mucosal lesions often indicates the degree of disease activity. At this time, we should pay attention to the cleanliness of the mouth and avoid the stimulation of spicy food. Why is hair loss easy? SLE patients are prone to hair loss, mainly due to small vasculitis under the skin, which leads to the disorder of hair follicle nutrition supply and affects hair growth. Generally, hair can be regenerated after the disease is controlled. If you lose your hair again, it may be a symptom of disease recurrence. Why do you often have menstrual disorders or even amenorrhea? SLE is an autoimmune control network disorder disease, which can lead to menstrual disorder. Long-term use of hormones and immunosuppressants can also cause menstrual disorders and even amenorrhea. For example, taking cyclophosphamide for a long time can inhibit ovarian function, and people who take tripterygium wilfordii for more than half a year often have menstrual disorder and amenorrhea. Does SLE affect joints? Arthritis is the most common clinical manifestation of SLE, especially in the proximal interphalangeal joint, wrist joint and knee joint. It is characterized by swelling and pain and is usually symmetrical. Arthritis in SLE generally does not destroy joints, so symptomatic treatment is enough. Can SLE affect the heart? The heart is one of the important organs of systemic lupus erythematosus. The general incidence rate is about 50%. Heart diseases include pericarditis, myocarditis, valvulitis and coronary arteritis. As long as hormones and immunosuppressants are used in time, the condition of most patients can be controlled quickly. Does SLE affect the lungs? The incidence of lupus pneumonia is not high, accounting for about 10% of SLE, and the prognosis is generally poor. Therefore, we should actively treat SLE to prevent this from happening. Take chest radiographs regularly to see if there are any dynamic changes in the lungs. Can SLE affect gastrointestinal tract? 25% ~ 50% patients have gastrointestinal symptoms. It is mainly caused by gastrointestinal vasculitis, and some of them are side effects caused by long-term medication. Therefore, don't overeat, eat a few times, don't eat spicy, sour, spicy and other foods that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and don't smoke and drink, so as not to increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate the condition. How to prevent the occurrence and development of nephropathy? Kidney disease is a common cause of death. Therefore, active measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of nephropathy. If you have kidney disease, you should treat it correctly and reasonably, and don't lose the opportunity of treatment, which will lead to renal failure. In order to prevent the occurrence and development of renal diseases, outpatients should be followed up regularly, and urine and renal function should be checked frequently; Measure blood pressure, check liver function, electrolyte, etc. Do renal puncture to understand the degree of renal damage; Use drugs such as Pavlin to prevent the development of kidney diseases. How to find lupus encephalopathy early? For active patients, such as fever, joint swelling and pain, pericardial and/or pleural effusion, finger vasculitis, facial erythema.
At the same time, there are headaches, vomiting, excitement or depression, or crying impermanence, or difficulty in defecation and numbness of limbs. Cerebrospinal fluid examination, CT and magnetic resonance examination should be done as soon as possible. Early and adequate treatment can completely cure lupus encephalopathy without leaving any sequelae.
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Questions about the life of systemic lupus erythematosus patients ABC?
Can SLE patients get married? According to the current treatment methods, most patients' condition can be well controlled, and they can get married after the condition is controlled. Moreover, the life, comfort, support and encouragement of married partners help to control the disease and help patients build confidence in overcoming the disease. Can SLE affect sexual function? The structure and function of sexual organs in SLE patients are generally unchanged, which will not affect sexual desire and sexual function, and will not aggravate the condition due to sexual life. It is worth noting that some patients will have sexual dysfunction after using certain drugs, such as tripterygium wilfordii. Therefore, the side effects of drugs should be considered in the treatment. Can SLE have children? Lupus erythematosus is not an infectious disease, nor is it a genetic disease like Down syndrome or mental illness, so it is entirely possible to get married and have children with lupus. However, the development of the disease must be controlled in the long-term follow-up of doctors. Generally, low-dose hormones are used, and the condition is stable 1 year or more. Getting married and having children can be considered. What should SLE patients pay attention to during pregnancy? Pay close attention to your perinatal physical changes, such as blood pressure, breathing, foam urine, rash and so on. Always contact the specialist, make detailed records, let the specialist know about your condition, and at the same time conduct regular prenatal examination to keep abreast of the development of the fetus in the uterine cavity and whether the maternal condition has changed. In the early pregnancy, you must not use some drugs that are unfavorable to the fetus. Eat more fresh fruits to increase nutrition and feel comfortable. At the same time, the thoughtfulness and comfort between husband and wife is the biggest spiritual pillar of pregnant women. Can SLE be inherited? The pathogenesis of SLE is the result of many factors, which are influenced by heredity, environment, infection, endocrine and autoimmune status. This disease can only be called genetic susceptibility, not genetic disease. Most patients' children are normal, healthy and lively. Why does exposure induce SLE? About 40% SLE patients will be sensitive to light, and ultraviolet rays in sunlight will induce diseases. Therefore, photosensitive patients, if the weather is sunny when they go out, had better wear a hat or an umbrella to avoid direct ultraviolet radiation and aggravate their illness. Can SLE patients use cosmetics? Some cosmetics contain chemical reagents, especially those containing aromatic amines, which can induce lupus. There are also cases of lupus after dyeing hair or tattooing eyebrows. So in order to avoid the stimulation of chemicals, it is best not to use cosmetics. What should the diet of SLE patients pay attention to? There are no special taboos in the diet of SLE patients. However, some foods, such as celery, figs, mushrooms, smoked foods, alfalfa seeds and pods, can induce lupus erythematosus and should be avoided as much as possible. Pay attention to a low-salt diet and eat more fruits and vegetables rich in potassium such as bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes. However, if patients have renal failure and high blood potassium, they can't eat foods with high potassium, and diabetics need to limit staple foods and sweets. In short, SLE patients should have a light diet with low salt, low fat and high protein. What drugs can induce SLE? The drugs that can definitely induce SLE are hydralazine, procainamide, isoniazid, chlorpromazine and methyldopa.
The drugs that may be induced are: phenytoin sodium, penicillamine, quinidine, propranolol (propranolol), hydroxyprolol (propranolol), pyrithione, trimethyldione, ethosuximide, reserpine, captopril (captopril), methimazole (tabazole), nitrofurantoin, tartrate and silica gel for plastic surgery.
Unknown drugs include: sulfanilamide, griseofulvin, phenylbutazone, oral contraceptives, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, primidone and so on.
After the disease is controlled, SLE patients should try not to take the above drugs, so as not to aggravate or complicate the condition. Can SLE be cured? The etiology of SLE is still unclear, and neither traditional Chinese medicine nor western medicine can cure it at present. But with enough drugs to relieve the disease for a long time, patients can live a normal life.
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Principles of treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus
Active stage should be actively treated and relieved; In remission period, medication should be adjusted to reduce the side effects of drugs and prevent the recurrence of diseases. Patients should do five things instead of five things. Five essentials: follow the doctor's advice, get enough rest, have a cheerful personality, eat properly, and check regularly. Five noes: do not use drugs indiscriminately, do not overwork, do not expose to the sun, do not listen to hearsay, and do not suddenly stop taking drugs. Medical workers are trying to find out the cause of this disease. I believe that SLE will be completely cured one day in the near future.
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How should lupus patients take care of themselves?
Patients with lupus erythematosus should strengthen their own care, which also plays a key role in the prognosis of the disease. Patients should be optimistic and have a good mood, and help them build confidence to overcome the disease. For patients with mild illness, it is necessary to arrange their diet and daily life reasonably, such as eating more high-protein and nutritious food. Except celery and fungi, there is no need to avoid eating chicken, duck, meat and seafood. Pay attention to rest, sleep for more than 8 hours at night, and take a nap in the afternoon 1 hour. Photosensitive patients should avoid sunlight when they go out. Patients with different manifestations of lupus erythematosus can be given corresponding care according to the situation: (
1) Facial erythema: Keep your face clean, wash your face often with clean water, and wet apply erythema with warm water of about 30℃. Avoid using alkaline soap, inferior cosmetics, etc.
(2) Oral and nasal mucosal ulcers: keep oral hygiene, clean your mouth after meals, brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush and apply iodine glycerin locally.
(3) Hair loss: Wash your hair with warm water and massage your scalp while washing.
(4) Stay in bed for a long time: pay attention to prevent bedsores, turn over more, keep local cleanliness, pat your back to help expectorate, and pay attention to the changes in urine and urine.
(5) Pay attention to the side effects of drugs, such as melena, skin acne, hip pain and blurred vision. , and promptly report to the responsible doctor and take measures.
In a word, good nursing is very important for the development and recovery of lupus erythematosus, and sometimes it can even play a role that drugs can't achieve.
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Can lupus erythematosus work normally after its condition is controlled?
Suffering from lupus erythematosus, patients often have a pessimistic mood, thinking that the disease is incurable and will always die. Some even commit suicide for life, and some stay at home for a long time and dare not work, passively dying. In fact, these ideas are all wrong. We didn't know enough about this disease before, and the mortality rate was high. But in the past 20 years, the treatment of this disease has made great progress, and there are more and more treatment methods. After correct treatment, many patients can be relieved for a long time, so lupus erythematosus is not terrible. What is terrible is ideological pessimism and disappointment. As a patient, we must first understand our own condition, communicate with doctors constantly, and learn some knowledge about disease prevention and treatment. After proper treatment, most patients have been able to control and stabilize their illness, many patients have recovered their ability to work, and some even have the courage to lose their "iron rice bowl" and choose a road full of risks and difficulties to achieve something. As a doctor, I don't want patients to stay at home and lie in hospital beds for a long time. When the patient's condition is under control, it is beneficial to the patient's treatment to get in touch with the society, reduce psychological pressure, take part in work and contribute the learned knowledge to the society. As family members of patients, we should understand patients, actively encourage patients to face diseases, society and life, and help patients overcome mental illness and face life with the cooperation of doctors, patients and family members. Of course, the first condition is to control the illness well before you can take part in some work within your power.
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How to treat nausea and vomiting caused by drugs?
Drugs such as prednisone and immunosuppressants can cause gastrointestinal reactions in lupus erythematosus, the most common being nausea and vomiting.
The most common nausea and vomiting caused by drugs is the stimulation to gastrointestinal mucosa. Different drugs have different degrees of gastrointestinal damage. Prednisone mainly increases gastric acid secretion, directly stimulates gastric mucosa and thins the protective layer of stomach. Immunosuppressants such as cyclophosphamide, azathioprine and methotrexate cause nausea and vomiting by interfering with the division and repair of gastrointestinal cells.
These drugs have direct stimulation on gastrointestinal tract and are generally effective in treating lupus erythematosus, so there are two problems in clinic. On the one hand, doctors and patients don't want to give up using these drugs because of their slight side effects, on the other hand, they don't want drugs to have too much impact on the body. You can try this medicine first in clinic and continue to use it if the curative effect is good. If the gastrointestinal tract is really intolerant, stop using it as soon as possible. Generally, the following methods can be used for treatment.
(1) After drug treatment, it causes nausea and vomiting, but the effect is very good. You can stop taking the drug for a few days and continue using it after the gastrointestinal symptoms are relieved.
(2) First, reduce the dosage by half and drink plenty of water to reduce the concentration of drugs in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce irritation.
(3) It can be taken after meals to protect the gastric mucosa.
(4) Use gastric mucosal protective agents, such as sucralfate products and antacids.
(5) If the above methods are ineffective, you can try the method of eating less and eating more meals, that is, changing three meals a day to six meals a day, so that there is always food in the stomach, thus reducing the direct stimulation of drugs to the stomach.
(6) Gastrointestinal motility drugs such as domperidone and metoclopramide can be used to relieve symptoms.
(7) If it is serious, stop taking medicine and do gastroscopy to understand the degree of damage.
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How to pay attention to diet in lupus nephritis?
Many patients with lupus nephritis are very concerned about their diet. Indeed, the quality of diet has a certain influence on the treatment of diseases. Due to lupus nephritis, a large amount of protein is lost, and each patient loses about 2 grams per day on average, which will lead to the decrease of protein content in blood. It is necessary to supplement some high-quality protein every day to maintain the protein balance of the body. The so-called high-quality protein mainly refers to animal protein, such as fish, meat, chicken, duck and so on. This should be decided according to your own economic situation. You can eat more than usual to supplement protein with kidney loss, but you can't eat too much to avoid indigestion. You can also eat some fresh vegetables to supplement your vitamins, and don't "avoid eating". Many people have heard the rumor that when they are sick, they can't eat this and that, and they go on a diet desperately, which makes them weak and is not conducive to their disease resistance. Due to renal ischemia, the kidney can secrete renin and activate angiotensin, which leads to hypertension. At the same time, due to the decrease of sodium excretion function, water and sodium retention will aggravate hypertension. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the daily intake of sodium salt, generally about 3 grams per day, and supplement some active vitamin D to help the absorption of calcium. Wear more clothes when you go out, and pay attention to prevent colds, so as not to get worse.
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What is the treatment principle of lupus erythematosus?
Lupus erythematosus is not like a cold. Just buy some medicine at the drugstore. Lupus erythematosus is a complex disease, which needs long-term follow-up treatment by experienced doctors to control the disease. However, the principle of treatment requires doctors to understand patients and their families and cooperate with doctors to control the recurrence of diseases.
(1) Know the severity of the illness: Just like fighting a war, you need to be familiar with the situation first. Generally speaking, arthritis, oral ulcer, rash or pleurisy are mild clinical manifestations, while diffuse nephritis, central nervous system involvement, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia are serious manifestations of the disease.
(2) Individualization: Each patient's response to drug treatment is different, so the treatment plan and drug dosage must be individualized. After a period of treatment, the drug should be controlled at an appropriate dose to prevent the recurrence of the disease.
(3) Risk/effectiveness ratio: The risk/effectiveness ratio of the selected drugs and doses to patients should be evaluated every time. Many drugs have both curative effects and side effects. Therefore, in the course of treatment, it is necessary to find the most suitable drug and dosage between controlling disease activity and drug toxicity.
(4) Follow-up: Long-term follow-up should be conducted regardless of whether the disease is controlled or not, and comprehensive examination should be conducted every 1- 12 months according to the disease. Long-term remission can try to stop taking drugs.
(5) Anti-nuclear antibodies and treatment: Various anti-nuclear antibodies, including anti-RNP, anti-Sm, anti-SSA and other antibodies, are important signs for diagnosing diseases, rather than indicators for evaluating curative effects. This is very important for both doctors and patients to remember. If only antinuclear antibodies are positive without clinical manifestations, treatment is generally not needed, but patients with high titer of anti-double stranded DNA antibodies should be alert to disease activities, especially lupus nephritis.
(6) Photosensitivity: Only 40% of patients with lupus erythematosus have photosensitivity. Not all patients should avoid sunlight. Only some patients with severe rash or a history of photosensitivity should pay attention to this problem. It's best to take an umbrella when going out on a sunny day to avoid direct sunlight.
(7) Improving the quality of life: As the therapeutic effect of lupus erythematosus is getting better and better, the long-term survival rate is constantly improving, and improving the quality of life of patients is placed in an important position. Give mental support to patients. At the beginning of treatment, rest is very important. However, when the symptoms can be completely controlled by drugs, patients should be encouraged to take appropriate jobs and children should return to school as much as possible. After long-term control or remission, you can consider getting married and having children.
In short, the treatment of lupus erythematosus is like painting. Pigments, paper and pens are all ready, waiting for doctors, patients and their families to conceive and paint.
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How about antiphospholipid antibody syndrome?
A woman who has repeated miscarriages can't find the reason many times in obstetrics and gynecology examination, which is neither endocrine change nor abnormal organ function. At this time, we should think about the possibility of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. 1952 found antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, which is more common in some patients with connective tissue diseases such as lupus erythematosus, and also in some women with unknown reasons. Its main clinical manifestations are repeated intravascular thrombosis, spontaneous abortion and thrombocytopenia, accompanied by positive laboratory tests of anticoagulants and antiphospholipid antibodies. At present, the cause of its occurrence is not very clear, which may be related to the following factors: As we all know, vascular endothelium is composed of phospholipids. If antiphospholipid antibodies appear in the body, they can combine with phospholipids on the blood vessel wall, destroy the vascular endothelium, form thrombus, and lead to blood supply disorder in local tissues. If it happens in the uterus, it can affect the blood supply of the placenta and cause abortion.
Some patients with lupus erythematosus are positive for antiphospholipid antibodies, and the incidence rate is 20% ~ 50%. However, positive antiphospholipid antibody does not mean this syndrome, and only clinical manifestations such as thrombosis and habitual abortion can consider this disease. Other patients with lupus erythematosus have thrombocytopenia, stroke, myocardial infarction, blindness and so on. It may be related to this disease. 80% patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome can have reticular cyanosis.
In a word, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is a harmful disease, which is common in lupus erythematosus and should be paid attention to by patients and doctors.
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How to judge the activity of lupus erythematosus?
For every patient, it is necessary to fully understand his condition and judge whether his condition is active or stable, which is especially important for patients with poor medical conditions in remote areas. Don't delay timely treatment because of his ignorance of his illness. This paper introduces the commonly used criteria for judging the activity of lupus erythematosus in recent years.
In 1980, someone proposed the calculation standard of lupus erythematosus activity, including seven indicators:
① arthritis.
② Abnormal laboratory examination: lupus cells were positive; White blood cell count is less than 4x10'/l; Complement drops.
③ Rash, mucosal ulcer and alopecia.
④ Pleurisy and pericarditis.
⑤ Epilepsy, lupus headache and mental disorder.
⑥ Vasculitis.
⑦ Urine changes, such as proteinuria and hematuria.
For the above indicators, the item with 1 is 1, and the item without 1 is 0. Diseases can be divided into active group and inactive group. When the score is greater than or equal to 2, it means illness activity, and 7 means extreme activity.
In addition, when the amount of hormones currently used still cannot control the development of diseases such as rash, arthritis, mental symptoms and serositis, disease activity should be considered. In some untreated patients, disease activity should be considered if thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia occur.
Some people divide the condition of lupus erythematosus into three grades: severe activity, moderate activity and stable condition. When there are more than three kinds of joint pain, pericarditis, vasculitis, myalgia and brain or kidney damage, it is severe activity, only 1 or 2 items are moderate activity, and those without the above manifestations are stable.
In short, it is necessary to comprehensively judge and understand the changes in your condition, go to the doctor for follow-up visits regularly, cooperate with the doctor for active treatment, and control your condition as soon as possible.
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What is the diagnostic standard of lupus erythematosus in China?
At the 1985 National Rheumatology Conference, Shanghai Rheumatology Society, entrusted by the National Rheumatology Society, combined with computer and modern immune technology, formulated the 13 diagnostic criteria for lupus erythematosus (see Table 2), which was verified by 27 medical schools or provincial hospitals in different regions of China. This method is suitable for the diagnosis of early or atypical lupus erythematosus in China, and has been widely used at present. 1987 adopted it.
Diagnostic criteria of lupus erythematosus in China
1. Butterfly erythema or discoid erythema
2. Photosensitive X 10'/L or hemolytic anemia.
3. Oral mucosal ulcer
4. Non-malformed arthritis or joint pain
5. Pleurisy or pericarditis
6. Epilepsy or mental symptoms
7. Proteinuria, tubular urine or hematuria
8. White blood cells are less than 4x 10'/L or platelets are less than 100.
9. Fluorescent antinuclear antibody is positive.
10. Anti-double-stranded DNA antibody positive or lupus cell positive.
1 1. Anti-Sm antibody is positive.
12.o decrease
13. Skin lupus band test (non-lesion site) was positive or renal biopsy was positive.
Those who meet any four of the above 13 can be diagnosed as lupus erythematosus.
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What is an anti-RNP antibody?
Anti-RNP antibodies are a group of autoantibodies and also belong to antinuclear antibodies. It can be seen that the detection rate of other autoimmune diseases is not high in 35% ~ 45% patients with lupus erythematosus and 95% ~ 100% patients with mixed connective tissue disease. Mixed connective tissue disease is a disease accompanied by myositis, lupus erythematosus and scleroderma.
As a labeled antibody, it is of great significance in diagnosis and differential diagnosis, but it has nothing to do with the activity and stability of the disease. Generally, only need to test 1 time, and the normal value is negative. In the past, it was difficult to distinguish the specificity of this group of RNPs by electrophoresis. Now RNP can be divided into many antibodies with different molecules by western blot technology, which is of great significance for studying the specificity of anti-RNP antibodies.