Design a class with floating-point pointer members. The constructor has an integer parameter count.
It allocates count element space for pointer members to store data. The destructor releases the space pointed by the pointer.
In addition, two function members are designed to accomplish the following functions:
(1) stores data in the space pointed by the pointer;
(2) Returns the average of these numbers.
# include & ltiostream.h & gt
Category floating
FLOAT(int count = 10); //constructor, the default count is 10.
~ FLOAT(); //Destructor
bool setData(float e); //store data
Floating point average (); //Calculate the average value
float * p;
Integer of data; //Number of data elements
FLOAT::FLOAT (integer)
P = new floating point [count];
Data quantity = 0;
Cout & lt& lt "Not enough memory!" & lt& ltendl
Exit (0);
Cout & lt& ltendl & lt& lt "Construction has been completed"
Delete [] p;
Cout & lt& ltendl & lt& lt "array is corrupted!" & lt& ltendl & lt& ltendl
bool FLOAT::setData(float e)
P[ data quantity] = e;
num _ of _ data++;
Floating point floating point:: average value ()
float sum = 0;
for(int I = 0; I < the number of data; i++)
sum+= p[I];
Returns the sum/quantity of data;
int main()
Cout & lt& lt "Enter the number of data to be entered:";
int n;
CIN & gt; & gtn;
FLOAT my FLOAT(n); //Call the constructor
Cout & lt& lt "Please enter"
for(int I = 0; I & ltn;; I++)// Call the setData function.
Floating e;
CIN & gt; & gte;
my float . setdata(e);
The average value of cout & lt& lt "data is:"
Returns 0;