What are the addresses of the First Hospital of Harbin Medical University? What subjects are they? Detail point
Now the road of the First Hospital of Medical University is closed ~ There is no car to get there ~ It is best to walk ~ The address is No.23, Postal Street, which is the museum turntable. You know, walk along Dongdazhi Street to Lin Qiu, and walk two blocks after Lin Qiu! That road section is closed ~ you can only go to this address ~ this is an outpatient clinic, and the street behind it is Postal Street, which is the first inpatient department. After the first inpatient department, it's the outpatient department of ophthalmology and dentistry ~ You can go directly to the outpatient department for consultation, and she will tell you what disease you want to see and what subject you want to hang up, and maybe even take you to handle it ~