I've been waiting for so long
I've been waiting for you for a long time
nee hon to ni so re de ii no
Hey, is this really good?
Broken promises,干い言叶にinducingわれてyeah
a ma i ko to ba ni sa so wa re te
The broken promise, seduced by sweet wordsyeah
気にしないmy perlphery'cause 鬼魔者ばかり
ki ni si na i jya ma mo no ba ka ri
Don't mind my perlphery, it's just a bother
噂に文くmelody's 头ん中に
u wa sa ni ki ku a ta man na ka ni
Listen to the rumored melody in my head
Powered by スケールは强
tou sa i su ke-ru wa sou da i
too many scales
delicious しくate too many MC's I got intrastomatitis
o i si ku kou na i en
Because it's good I got stomatitis from eating too much
the fly resident いつもtroopin'
jyuu min ti tu mo
The fly resident is always in a hurry
the 23 District with love 音のprisoner
ni jyuu san ku o to no syuu jin
Imprisoned in District 23
so throw up your hands 久言抜きなtech
jyou dan nu ki na
Raise your hands and stop kidding
urbannite flow れm-flo dialect
na ga re
The m-flo dialect is popular among city dwellers
you know it didn't have to be this way もう何も语わないで
mou na ni mo i wa nai de
You know you don’t need to do this and there is no need to say anything
合せないこのacheみも文きたくない Comfortめ< /p>
i ya se na i ko no i ta mi mo ki ki ta ku nai na gu sa me
The pain that cannot be healed and the comfort that I don’t want to hear
with all my heart, with all my soul もう过ぎたことはforgetれよう
mou su gi ta to ko wa wa su re you
With my heart, my soul passes Already forgotten
With all my mind, with all my strength, 涙と流れて行くわ
na mi da to na ga re te i ku wa
Use my thoughts, my strength to shed tears
I've been waiting for so long,
I've been waiting for so long
时と* **に杀えて行くの
to ki to to mo ni ki e te i ku no
Advancing with the times
Broken promises, gan yanye にtempt われてyeah
a ma i ko to ba ni sa so wa re te
A broken promise, seduced by sweet words yeah
strobelite extraordinary situation 発生your nonsense
hi jyou ji da i hassei
An emergency has no meaning
を completely にburn やすぜit's tragic how
wo kan zen ni mo ye su ze
How tragic it is to burn everything down
何千ものrappers come and go, call this the fan dog flow
nan sen mo no ban ken
Thousands of rappers have come and gone and been called watchdogs and stepped down
MC's best look out make vocab's mental
tu ka u
MC better be careful with your words
Remember me I'm the one you used to doubt
Remember me I'm the one you used to doubt
de mo so ku ra no ya tu to wa ke ga ti ga u
But the reason is different from the guys there< /p>
present present past の语しとは縁ない
i ma gen zai kakko no ha na si to wa en na i
The present has nothing to do with past conversations
ya heard, it's UNI KA
It's pay day, it's UNI KA
It's pay day is called べmy 踸名 it's verbal I plastic surgery
sa ke bu gei mei sei kei
On the day of paycheck, I call my stage name orally and I’m on the right track
designing this while they play 子公 Lieしmove over, 'cause スゲー
ko do mo da ma si
Move away because they are very powerful in their tricks to deceive children
unidentified transparent で流れる光のようcomin' you way
tou mei de na ga re ru hi ka ri no you
The indefinable transparent flowing light appears in front of you
无码る数々 と和ぶSuper high-rise
so ra ka su ru ka zu ka zu to na ra bu tyou kou sou
Passing over various high-rise buildings
ビル囲む Provided by 音を
bi ru ka ko mu o to wo tei kyou
The sound of surrounding high-rise buildings
let me rock your cradle, you'll never figure out this lost
mei ro
Let me subvert you and you will never find the way
の様なrhyme scheme の色は蛍色
p>no sa ma na no i ro wa ho ta ru i ro
Your map is fluorescent when you are lost
I've been waiting for so long< /p>
I have been waiting for you for a long time
nee hon to ni so re de ii no
Hey, Is this really good?
Broken promises, gan yanye にtempt われてyeah
a ma i ko to ba ni sa so wa re te
Be Broken promises, seduced by sweet words yeah
心のキズなぜいつまでも…sing it sing it girl
ko ko ro no ki zu na ze i tu ma de mo
Why does the pain in the line keep... singing and singing
forget れられないのでしょう...unlearn is the word 真実manifest
wa su ra re na i no de syou sin ji tu
In order not to be forgotten, matter is really obvious
why ask why … why? got no time for games
Why ask why why No time to play
言い訳文かない…(that's right) 心の思い文かせてくれよ
ii wa ke ki ka na i ko ro no o mo i ki ka se te ku re yo
I don’t want to hear the reason...(make) listen to my inner thoughts
神様imagine the above leaves えてください
ka mi sa ma sou zou i jyou ka na e te ku da sa i
Hope God can realize it
'cause You can light up my world
Because you can light up my world< /p>
do ku ka ra to mo na ku ki ko e ku ru o to
Don’t ask where it comes from the sound
from the underground to a scene that is minus 10 degrees
汉いwe heat it up
sa mu i
热 If so, we will keep warm
limited りないこのflow, unforgettable いつまでも
ka gi ri na ni ko no i tu ma de mo
The infinite drift can never be forgotten
yes yes on and on to the
Yes, yes all the time
これ文句なしwhen I flush down your Lyrics
ko re mon gu na si ka si
This is not complaining when I wash you away lyrics
we doin' this 一足お前we formulatin'
hi to a si o sa ki
We take the lead in planning
touch with famous sayings yo what's your ステーション
mei gen su te- syon
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