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What does the c++ function header mean?
C++ function header, that is, header file function.

In C language series programs, header files are widely used. Generally speaking, each C++/C program usually consists of a header file and a definition file. As a carrier file containing functional functions and data interface declarations, header files are mainly used to save the declarations of programs, while definition files are used to save the implementation of programs. C is the program file you wrote.

List of C/C++ header files


# include & ltassert.h & gt// Set the insertion point.

# include & ltctype.h & gt// character processing

# include & lt error number & gt// Define the error code.

# include & ltfloat.h & gt// floating point number processing

# include < iso 646.h >//Macros corresponding to various operators

# include & lt restriction. & gt// Constant that defines the maximum value of various data types.

# include & ltlocale.h & gt// Define localized C functions.

# include & ltmath.h & gt// Define a mathematical function.

# include < setjmp.h >//exception handling support

# include < signal.h >//signal mechanism support

# include & ltstdarg.h & gt// Uncertain parameter list support

# include & ltstddef.h & gt// Universal constant

# include & ltstdio.h & gt// Define input/output functions.

# include & ltstdlib.h & gt// Define miscellaneous functions and memory allocation functions.

# include & ltstring.h & gt// string processing

# include & lttime.h & gt// Define a function about time.

# include & ltwchar.h & gt// Wide character processing and input/output

# include & ltwctype.h & gt// wide character classification

Traditional C++

# include & ltfstream.h & gt// Use

# include & ltiomanip.h & gt// Use

# include & ltiostream.h & gt// Use

# include & ltstrstrea.h & gt///This class is no longer supported, and


Standard C++

# include & lt algorithm & gt//STL general algorithm

# include & ltbitset & gt//STL bit set container

# include & ltcctype & gt// character processing

# include & ltcerrno & gt// Define the error code

# include & ltcfloat & gt// floating point number processing

# include & ltciso646 >// Macros corresponding to various operators

# include & ltclimits & gt// Constant that defines the maximum value of various data types.

# include & ltclocale & gt// Define localization function.

# include & ltcmath & gt// Define a mathematical function.

# include & lt Complex & gt// Complex class

# include & ltcsignal & gt// signal mechanism support

# include & ltcsetjmp & gt// exception handling support

# include & ltcstdarg & gt// Uncertain parameter list support

# include & ltcstddef & gt// Universal constant

# include & ltcstdio & gt// define input/output functions.

# include & ltcstdlib & gt// Define miscellaneous functions and memory allocation functions.

# include & ltcstring & gt// string processing

# include & ltctime & gt// Define a function about time.

# include & ltcwchar & gt///wide character processing and input/output

# include & ltcwctype & gt// wide character classification

# include & lt dirk & gt//STL queue container

# include & lt exception & gt// exception handling class

# include & ltfstream & gt// file input/output

# include & lt Functionality & gt//STL defines an operation function (not an operator).

# include & lt limit & gt// Defines the maximum constants of various data types.

# include & lt list & gt//STL linear list container

# include & lt Locale & gt// Localize specific information

# include & lt map & gt//STL mapping container

# include & lt memory & gt// allocate STL memory through allocator.

# include & lt New & gt// Dynamic memory allocation

# include & lt numerical & gt//STL general digital operation

# include & ltiomanip & gt// parameter input/output

# include & ltios & gt// Basic input/output support

# include & ltiosfwd & gt// Pre-declaration used by input/output system

# include & ltiostream & gt// data stream input/output

# include & ltistream & gt///basic input stream

# include & lt iterator & gt//STL iterator

# include & ltostream & gt///basic output stream

# include & lt queue & gt//STL queue container

# include & ltset & gt//STL collection container

# include & ltsstream & gt// String-based stream

# include & lt stack & gt//STL stack container

# include & ltstdexcept & gt///standard exception class

# include & ltstreambuf & gt///underlying input/output support

# include & lt string & gt// string class

# include & lttypeinfo & gt// Type information during the operation.

# include & lt utility & gt//STL generic template class

# include & ltvalarray & gt// Operate on an array containing values.

# include & ltvector & gt//STL dynamic array container


C99 addition

# include & ltcomplex.h & gt// Complex processing

# include & ltfenv.h & gt///floating-point environment

# include & ltinttypes.h & gt// integer format conversion

# include & ltstdbool.h & gt///Boolean environment

# include & ltstdint.h & gt// integer environment

# include & lttgmath.h & gt// General type math macro

Header file ctype.h

Character processing function: this category function is used to process a single character, including the category test of the character and the case conversion of the character.


Is the character test alphanumeric?

Is that the letter isalpha?

Whether to control the character iscntrl.

Is it digital?

Can I display characters (except spaces)?

Can I display characters (including spaces)?

Is it a displayable character that is neither a space nor letters and numbers?

Whether this space is space or not.

Is the capital letter isupper?

Is the hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) character of 16 xdigital?

Character case conversion function is converted to uppercase letter toupper.

Convert to lowercase letter tolower

Header file local.h

Localization: Functions in this category are used to deal with language differences in different countries.


Zone control zone setting setlocale

The number format convention queries the format conversion of the country's currency, date, time, etc.

Header file math.h

Mathematical functions: This classification gives various mathematical calculation functions. It must be reminded that the data format in ANSIC standard does not conform to IEEE754 standard, but some C language compilers follow IEEE754 (for example, frinklin C5 1).


Anti-cosine acos

Arc string asin

Inverse cheatan

Arctangent 2 atan2

Cosine cosine

Sine sine

Tangent tan

Hyperbolic cosine

Hyperbolic sine

Hyperbolic tangent function

exponential function

Exponential decomposition function frexp

Product exponential function fdexp

natural logarithm

Logarithm 10, radix 10.

Floating-point decomposition function

power function

Square root function

Find the lower bound close to the upper bound of integer.

Juedui wafer factory

Find the upper bound near the lower bound of integer.

Find the remainder

Header file setjmp.h io.h

This classification function is used to jump code directly between different basis functions.


Save the calling environment setjmp

Resume calling environment longjmp

Header file signal

Signal processing: this classification function is used to handle the abnormal situation during the execution of the program.


Designated signal processing function signal

Send a lifting signal.

Header file stdarg.h

Variable parameter processing: this kind of function is used to realize variable parameter base functions such as printf and scanf scanf.


Variable parameter access macro

Variable parameter startup macro va_start

Variable parameter ending macro va_end

The variable parameter access macro accesses the next variable parameter macro va_arg.

Header file stdio.h

I/O functions: This classification is used to handle various I/O devices including files and consoles, and various functions are realized in a "streaming" way.


Delete file removal

Modify file name rename

Generate temporary file name tmpfile

Get temporary file path tmpnam

File access closed. File closed.

Refresh buffer fflush

opening file

Connect existing stream pointers and new files to freopen.

Set disk buffer setbuf

Set disk buffer setvbuf

Format input and output functions

Format output fprintf

Format input fscanf

Format output (console) printf

Format input (console) scan f

Format the output to the buffer sprintf

Enter sscanf format from the buffer.

Print format vfprintf

Print format vprintf

Print format vsprintf

Character input and output function

Enter the character fgetc.

String input fgets

Character output fputc

String output fputs

Character input (console)

Character input (console) getchar

String input (console) acquisition

Character output (console)

Character output (console) putchar

String output (console) puts

Characters are output to the header ungetc of the stream.

Direct input and output

Direct stream read operation

Direct stream write operation fwrite

File locating function

Get file location fgetpos

File location moving search

File location setting offset

Get file location ftell

File location reset zero reminder

Error handling function

Error clearing clearerr.

End of file judgment

File error detection

Get the error prompt string perror

Header file standard library

Utility functions: This classification gives some functions that cannot be classified according to the above, but are necessary for programming.


String conversion function

Convert a string to an integer atoi

Converts a string to a long integer.

Converts a string to a floating-point number strtod

Converts a string to a long integer.

Converts a string to an unsigned long integer.

Pseudo-random sequence generating function

Generate random number rand

Sets the starting value srand of the random function.

Storage management function

Allocated memory calloc

deallocating memory

Memory allocation malloc

Reassigned memory

Environmental communication

Abort procedure

Exit the program execution and clear the environment variable atexit.

Exit program execution exit

Read environment parameter getenv

The program is suspended and another program system is temporarily executed.

Search and sort tool method of bisection (data must be sorted) search.

Quick sort qsort

Absolute value abs of integer operation function

Get the base quotient and remainder div of division operation.

Find the absolute value of length and shape the bottom laboratory

Find the quotient and remainder ldiv of long shaping division

The multibyte character function gets the number of bytes of multibyte characters.

Gets the number of bytes of multibyte characters mbtowc.

Multibyte character conversion

The string operation of multibyte characters converts multibyte strings into integer arrays mbstowcs.

Converts a multibyte string into a character array mcstowbs.

Header file string.h

String processing: This classification function is used to merge and compare strings.


String Copy Block Copy (target and source storage cannot overlap) memcpy

Block copy (target and source storage can overlap) Memory movement

String replication

Copy strncpy by string length


Connect the string strncat by length

String comparison function block comparison memcmp

String comparison strcmp

String comparison (non-English characters)

Compare strncmp and string by length

String conversion strxfrm

Character and string lookup character lookup memory

Character search structure

String lookup strcspn

String lookup strpbrk

String lookup strspn

String lookup strstr

String decomposition string

Miscellaneous function string setting memory set

Error string mapping string error.

Find the string length strlen

Header file time.h

Date and Time Functions: This class provides time and date processing functions.


The time operation function obtains the processor clock.

Get the time difference difftime

Set time mktime

Get time time

Time conversion function gets the time of ASCII code.

Gets the time ctime represented by a string.

Gets the time strftime in the specified format.

Serial number library category header file


1 error handling error number h

2 character processing.

3 Regionalization

4 mathematical function math.h

5 signal processing signal

6 input and output stdio.h

7 utility stdlib.h

8 string processing string.h