Meitu Xiu Xiu's things, you have a friend who is proficient in VC6.0 or VC2005, and write your skin changing steps, such as positive film recoil color matching and lightness color matching, into an execution script, that is, a filter. Write it several times a day, and each time it is much more perfect than Meitu Xiu Xiu. Since you are an airplane, don't open that stupid software that makes people laugh.
As for PHOTOSHOP, if you really understand it, the filter basically has no effect, and the color matching has no effect. One-channel mixing, that is, except for the normal mode of each layer style, RGB has 336 mixing methods, and any color and keynote color in the world can be displayed by how much mixing amount is needed for each mixing. If you simply play with the so-called poking tools, repairing tools and feathering, hehe, let alone being proficient in PS, you haven't even touched a door.
There are several ways to draw P's long hair:
1, using the color selection tool, first take the stroke color, draw the hair, then take the hair color to color, and then take the shadow color to draw the shadow and highlight it;
2. Select the photo material of long hair, tick it to add, and make some fine adjustments;
3. Brush the hair tips with a copy brush or color the hair, and then use the filter effect;
4. Draw directly with the path of the pen tool. Select the pen tool, select the path in the upper left corner, then draw with a pen, and then right-click to select a stroke.
How do PS pictures put a character picture P behind the background? Spare materials: PS software, computer, picture materials.
1, open photoshop, first open a picture in the file as the background, or directly drag the picture into Photoshop, taking the background as an example.
2. Drag another picture directly to the
Background picture
, click any icon on the left.
3. Pop up whether to put pictures, and click "Put".
4. Click the fourth icon in the left column, and then select the part to delete in the picture. The dotted line in the figure is the selected part.
5. Click the tenth icon in the left column, and then click in the selected area with the mouse to remove a part of the second picture.
6. The finished product drawing is shown in the following figure.