It is recommended to do X-ray examination by hand, and keep the thumb in the correct position before operation. For complex cases of about one year old, surgical treatment can be considered. It is suggested that multiple fingers should be removed under the high-efficiency microscope (in principle, the thumb and bones should be relatively beautiful), the lateral collateral ligament of the joint capsule should be repaired, the entry point of flexor and extensor tendons should be adjusted, and the power cord should be corrected. If necessary, the thenar muscle should be dislocated.
Thumb deformity can be corrected by thumb surgery. Deformities of the phalanges of the triangle thumb and the little finger occur independently, which has little effect. Most patients need to improve their appearance. Madeira (1977) performed a central government osteotomy on the phalanx, and then used bone transplantation to correct the deformity. In the process of cutting off multiple fingers, we should not only consider the cut part, but also consider the rest. Therefore, we must know more about this disease, and we must understand that this disease not only refers to the length, but also affects the shape, structure and function of the fingers we want to maintain.
It is recommended to operate after 3 years old to avoid epiphyseal injury and deviation. Surgical methods: firstly, skin and subcutaneous tissue were removed, redundant bones and collateral ligaments were removed, and tendons and some skin tissues were retained. Fio-Kirchner-Foi internal fixation should be used. Polydactyly is the most common hand congenital malformation in China, especially near the thumb. Some cases are passed down from generation to generation. Before you get married and have children, you should know if there is any illness in the other family, otherwise the children will suffer and the adults will suffer.