What does the word length of plc mean?
It depends on the size and type of data. The incoming data has the number of BOOL, that is, the switching value, and only two binary numbers, 0 and 1. It only occupies one bit of the address, and the representation method is V0.0M0.0I0.0 and so on. VB is a byte data address, that is, an 8-bit binary number less than 255 or an integer greater than-126. For example: 5; -8; 12; -45; 124; 254 and so on. Data in the range of 255 can use this VB. VW is a word data address, which is a 16-bit binary number less than 65535 or an integer greater than -32767. For example: 3422; - 10000; 453, wait. VD is a double-word data address or a floating-point data address, which is a floating-point number, such as: 23.445; 35.546; Storage address 4567. 124546, etc. It is also an integer less than 4294967295, and the storage address is greater than-2/-2 147483648;; It is also a pointer address storage area. You can send data such as VW5 to VD0.