Basic data type: the definition of data type in data structure is a set of values and a set of operations defined on this set of values. ? Variables are places where values are stored; They have names and data types. The data type of variables determines how the bits representing these values are stored in computer memory. When you declare a variable, you can also specify its data type. All variables have data types to determine what kind of data can be stored.
Numeric Type: Visual Basic supports several numeric data types-integer, Long, Single, Double and Currency. Numeric types usually occupy less storage space than variable types.
Byte type: If a variable contains binary numbers, it is declared as an array of byte data types. (Arrays will be discussed in Arrays later in this chapter). Storing binary data with byte variables can preserve data during format conversion. When a string variable is converted between ANSI and Unicode formats, any binary data in the variable will be destroyed. Visual Basic automatically converts between ANSI and Unicode in any of the following cases.
Text type: If a variable always contains a string but never a numeric value, it can be declared as a string type.