Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages needs to refer to different arguments to answer this question. There has never been a standard of comparison between advantages and disadvantages, only a perspective and position of comparison between advantages and disadvantages. The distinction between advantages and disadvantages varies from person to person and from thing to thing. For example, the legalization of euthanasia, when we are in good health, we think it is a bad thing, a kind of cowardice and abandonment; And when we are dying of disease, we may think it is a good thing. So objectively, one thing has no definite advantages or disadvantages. Whether it is good or bad depends on people's value judgment, that is, the so-called perspective or position.
So when you debate the pros and cons in the debate, either you tell everyone that this matter is in line with your value judgment from the standpoint and angle of most people, or you appeal to everyone to understand, sympathize with and even agree with this value judgment from your standpoint and position.