Game content
Main hand selection
Players can choose to change the dominant hand on their player model.
-Dual weapons
For example, if you hold a manuscript in the master's hand and a torch in the deputy's hand, right-click to place the torch.
Only the main hand can be used to attack.
Even if there is something in the assistant, the bow can be used to attack.
In the first person display, when the deputy doesn't take anything, it won't be displayed.
By default, use f to switch projects with both hands.
The assistant position is displayed on the shortcut bar next to the assistant (right-handed players are displayed on the left, and vice versa).
Some attributes and enchantments will work on second-hand items, but others will not.
Drug effect
Occurs when a player or creature is hit by a ghost arrow.
Let the outline of the player shine, even through the opaque box.
Because it makes you unable to hide when you are shot, it is listed as a negative effect.
Support different team colors and can be used for confrontation or team cooperation maps.
Occurs when a player is hit by a latent image shell.
Let the players float in the air.
Because after the effect comes out, you may fall to your death and get injured, which is listed as a negative effect.
High-level effects will lead to faster floating.
If a player falls from a high enough place, he will still be injured when he lands.
Can be used to reach higher places.
For example, a rating of 255 will result in failure to go up or down.
Level 254 will lead to a slow descent (similar to lunar gravity)
Chorus flower (? )
Produced at the top of the chorus flower
When the cube supporting it is destroyed, it won't fall off, so you need to mine it by hand.
In any dimension, it can only be planted on the last stone.
Chorus plants (? )
Finally generated
Can be obtained by chorus flowers.
When the cube supporting it is destroyed, it will fall down.
Descending chorus fruit
Leading (? )
This state will remain until the power is off (the position of the lower jaw will remain at the time when the power is off).
When a player wears it on his head, his mouth will keep opening and closing.
When charged by the red stone, its jaw will start to move up and down.
The candle is at the end (? )
Generated in the dungeon of the dungeon
Can be placed vertically or horizontally and produce white particles.
It can be used as a light source to produce the same brightness as fluorite (15).
The vertical neon lights at the end of the floor can go up like half a brick.
Terminal Shi Zhuan
Generated in the dungeon of the dungeon
Can be made of the final stone.
However, unlike cultivated land, it can be obtained by using the selection box button (middle mouse button/wheel by default) in the creation mode.
Right click on the grass cube with any shovel to make it.
Collecting with precision collection tools will only drop soil.
A grassy "path" with a height of 15/ 16 square. Its characteristics are a bit like the texture of grass squares.
Cannot be obtained by creating a schema item column.
Purpur block (? )
Generated in the dungeon of the dungeon
It can be synthesized by frying jute fruit.
Vertical purple block (? )
Generated in the dungeon of the dungeon
It can be synthesized with purpur semi-bricks.
Purpur stairs (? )
Generated in the dungeon of the dungeon
Can be synthesized by purpurpurblock.
Purpur steps(? )
Generated in the dungeon of the dungeon
Can be synthesized by purpurpurblock.
Structural block
It can only be placed through /setblock, but it is not available.
14 Different kinds of arrows
All kinds of arrows can be obtained in the creation mode item column, just like the enchanted book.
When a creature is hit, give it a potion effect.
Show the outlines of creatures and players in team colors-even if they are invisible.
You can use a solid NBT label to invalidate the outline.
Glowing is a potion effect-you can see whether you are glowing or not through the potion effect HUD.
It can be synthesized by surrounding an arrow with four fluorite powders.
New halo arrow (? ) (gold)
Arrows can give potions.
beet root
Reply 1 satiety
Naturally produced in villages.
Can be used for synthesizing sweet potato soup.
Can be used for synthesizing rose red dye.
Beet root soup
Reply to 6 satiety
Synthesized with 6 beets and 1 bowl.
Beet seed
Used to grow beetroot.
Chorus fruit (? )
Can be obtained from chorus plants.
You can eat it when the player is not hungry, just like a golden apple.
You can cook in the oven to get fried jute fruit.
Players will be infected if they eat it.
Burst chorus fruit (? )
Obtained by cooking jute fruit.
Used to synthesize purple blocks.
Splash bottle
Known uses are only fire fighting.
World generation
Mody city
Dungeon-like structure: a "tree" house consisting of final stones and new squares, including stairs.
They are formed on an island separated from the main island, and they are distributed around the main island in a ring shape.
There are many small islands around these islands.
Including floating boats.
Contains beacons with speed effects.
The spoils include beet seeds, diamonds, gold ingots and advanced magic diamonds/iron equipment.
There is also a brewing table with (life-restoring) medicine in it.
Chorus plants
New purple blocks are distributed in similar trees/cacti.
When the supporting box was destroyed, it fell down, just like a cactus.
Drop edible chorus fruit
It can be planted by planting chorus flowers at the top.
Staged growth
Terminal gateway portal (? )
Appear after killing the last shadow dragon.
The new portal, because of its size, can only be accessed by using shadow pearls or riding pigs, boats or harvesters.
It is used to transmit to other shadow islands, depending on the direction in which the pearl is thrown.
There will be a purple lighthouse effect running through it when it is generated. This influence will gradually disappear.
When a player or entity teleports to another portal, it will output a yellow beam.
Hide the shadow shell (Shulker)
Projectiles can be shot away by attack.
Being hit by a projectile will cause damage to both hearts and provide a suspension effect.
It may appear on the ground or on the wall.
Short for "Hidden Shellfish" (Shell The Infiltrator)
Its shell looks like a purple stone.
Appeared in the last city
Using commands can make it a member of a team to attack other teams, and it can also be used to defend against creatures.
When they attack, they only move along the x/y/z axis and open their shells to shoot projectiles.
When it is attacked or pushed by the piston (or touched by water? ), it will teleport like the last shadow people.
Removed super secret settings and live broadcast settings.
Removed the replacement box from the video settings.
Replace them with armor items, hand protection items, armor drop opportunities and hand protection drop opportunities.
CustomNameVisible:true will make the name of the creature the same as the player's name.
Entities can join the team directly through the team name.
DropChance and equipment tags no longer exist.
Block model
There are different models/materials for different added value/stacking quantity/article status.
When making compasses, clocks and all articles with durable strips, the bow has different states according to how much it is pulled out, and the fishing rod can be thrown or not.
Models can be put together according to the status of the blocks (such as furnaces), which can reduce the number of original block models by more than 300.
Better rotation and translation processing and left-handed support.
Different square models of the same item can be set in the assistant and the head slot.
JSON, the box model, must be strict now, and comments and tags without quotation marks are not allowed.
The default Display label has been changed, and the labels Third Person and First Person have been replaced by Third Person _ Right Hand, Third Person _ Left Hand, First Person _ Right Hand and First Person _ Left Hand.
You can now save the parent node and element tags.
Uncheck the option to override the box model.
Block state
Flip and alt of the flame box are removed, and the box state stored by integer is re-realized as the box state stored by byte, so that the number of box states of the flame is reduced from 3072 to 5 12.
Resource bundle
The version in pack.mcmeta now needs to be 2.
The old resource package needs to be confirmed before it can be used.
Structural data
Now read/assets/structure.
Game content
World generation
New content of the plan
Game content
change of plan
Game content
It can't be used to block any more.
There will be a new UI.
Will include tab ending.
Instruction box
New cloud rendering system
Give up OpenGL fixed pipeline and use programmable pipeline (shader)
Coloring program
Will be used instead of the sword to reach the block
Offensive and defensive.
You can use two shields at the same time.
Shields can have custom shapes, just like flags.
Used to block attacks from the direction of the shield.
This block has acoustics.
Falling from the last shadow dragon
Dragon breath (? )
One can create a crystal version of the last shadow of another last shadow dragon when placed.
Synthetic shadow crystal
There may be new charm.
There may be a new potion.
Subtitles will show all sounds for hearing impaired/deaf people.
For example, "the hiss of reptiles"
Let indicate the direction of the sound source.
The NBT data may contain model changes.
It can also be realized through resource packages.
Will make the code better, so that map /MOD makers can make better/new creatures.
Just like the square data of 1.8 changes.
Animation/solid model
Not only wheat seeds can be used to lure, but also watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds and sweet rapeseed can be used to lure.
Not only carrots, potatoes and beetroot can be lured.
The last shadow will still try to attack the player when it encounters water.
When you are killed, you will drop the cube in your hand.
Bones are animated with bows.
When they became hostile, they drew their bows and drew them back to shoot arrows.
There is a certain chance of holding a bow in the left hand (left-handed? )
Map makers can use potions to make skeletons shoot arrows.
There will be animation when attacking.
Closer to the host version, and better.
Players can synthesize the eschatological shadow crystal and place it to generate a new eschatological shadow dragon, but the experience value after defeat will not be more than the first time.
Now you can draw the shadow dragon's face with clay, but nothing will be produced.
Shadow dragon's attack AI has changed:
Shadow dragons sometimes fly to the portal. Only in this way can they be killed.
Fire flames and purple particles at players and entities when flying to the portal.
Fire a fireball above the player.
The longer the battle time, the more the last shadow dragon pays attention to the defense of Obsidian column.
Enderla gong
Hostile organism
Human skeleton
The last filmmaker
chicken (as food)
Remove the fog of the lower bound.
Generated in the air, next to the last city.
Submerged shellfish
There are pumpkins, faucets, brewing tables with life-saving potions and other trophies.
Throwing the last pearl of shadow from here is the best way to reach the last ship.
There is a bridge with a gate in the terminal city pointing to the terminal ship.
The same material as the dungeon of the dungeon.
A series of obsidian pillars of different sizes are arranged in a circle.
The tallest pillar is surrounded by the last shadow crystal bag of the iron fence protection period.
The portal leaving the terminal is generated in advance, but there are no dragon eggs and portal squares.
Finally, there are countless islands.
This makes you need to climb some pillars, which makes the battle more difficult.
Small islands are formed around big islands.
Chorus plants are produced in terminal island and small terminal island.
Didi i.
Dock ship (? )
human world
Slightly changed the path of the projectile.
There are no connected glass plates and iron bars, and now there are only 2×2 pixel rods in the middle, instead of the previous cross.
The colors of the mixture are now mixed.
No longer use digital ID, but use NBT label "potion" instead, such as/give < player >; Minecraft: potion 1 0 {potion: "minecraft: swift"}
Splash potion now has a separate data label and ID name.
Common potion, concentrated potion and crude potion have been added to the item column of the creation mode.
Deleted some recipes.
The thrown fishing rod has a new appearance in the shortcut bar/item bar.
If the deputy slot is occupied, the map in the deputy will be displayed as a small map; The old typed version will only be displayed when your main hand is holding the map and your deputy is empty.
Can be used in creative mode.
The bow in the shortcut bar now shows an arrow when it is opened.
Arrows in the proxy take precedence over arrows in other project columns.
End pearl
fishing rod
liquid medicine
Glass plate and iron fence
Now it has a better appearance in the project bar.
Now, the display in the item bar is rotated 90 degrees.
Now, the display in the item bar is rotated 90 degrees.
A square that no longer needs support.
Can be pushed by a piston
Now you have to throw away 0-2 sticks.
Now you can hold it with both hands.
Armored rock
Dead shrub
It is now displayed as "When the master holds it:"
The potion effect is now displayed in HUD, not just in the item bar, similar to PE.
The drug effects are sorted from left to right according to the remaining time.
Positive effects are in the upper row and negative effects are in the lower row.
The effect that is about to end will flash, and the closer it is to the end, the faster it will disappear.
The item bar in survival mode has been rearranged, and the "survival" page has been added in creation mode to support the new assistant bar.
Unify multiple items in the item column.
The death message will be displayed in the player's death screen and chat at the same time.
Appropriate multi-Boss blood tank support (up to 4 or 5? ) so that they can be displayed at the same time instead of interfering with each other.
Last message
Drug effect
Tool injury prompt
This reduces memory usage, which improves performance.
It is no longer an entity.