1, %u Decimal unsigned integer.
2.%f means output floating point number.
3.%s represents the output string.
4.%c means to output a single character.
5.%p represents the value of the output pointer.
6.%e means to output floating-point numbers exponentially.
7.%x, %X means to output unsigned integers in hexadecimal.
8.%0 means to output unsigned integers in octal.
9.%g means that the output automatically selects the appropriate representation.
Extended data:
The role of characters in C language;
1, \n means line feed.
2.\f means clearing the screen and changing pages.
3.\r means input.
4.\t means tab.
5.\xhh indicates that the ASCII code is expressed in hexadecimal 16, where hh is 1 to two hexadecimal numbers.
There are two kinds of length format symbols: H and L, where H represents short integer output and L represents long integer output.
# include & ltstdio.h & gt?
# include & ltstring.h & gt?
int main()?
char c,s[20];
int a = 1234;
float f = 3. 14 1592653589;
Double x = 0.12345678912345678;
Strcpy(s, "Hello, World");
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia -C Language