What is the cause of vocal polyp?
? Many people are still unfamiliar with vocal cord polyps. They don't know why this disease occurs or how to treat it. After vocal cord polyp is produced, the normal pronunciation and speech of patients will be affected, which is a disease that needs timely treatment. Experts explain that with the disorder of people's life rhythm, life becomes irregular, so more and more people suffer from diseases such as vocal cord polyps, and more and more patients come to see a doctor. So how did such a disease happen? The throat experts in the 94th Hospital of Nanchang People's Liberation Army summarized the following reasons: 1, air pollution: harmful substances enter the respiratory tract, and vocal mucosa and submucosa tissue are damaged. 2, excessive alcohol and tobacco: long-term smoking or drinking, laryngeal cavity, vocal cord mucosa is always in a state of congestion, leading to vocal cord damage and gradually produce polyps. 3. Suppurative inflammation of nasal cavity, sinuses and pharynx: inflammatory lesions of respiratory mucosa below glottis spread to vocal cords; Purulent secretions reach vocal cords through coughing, which stimulates vocal cord mucosa. 4. Improper use of sound and excessive use of sound: This is one of the most common causes of vocal cord polyps. Singing in a way close to roaring, often because of work needs, personality and living habits, excessive use of voice and other reasons. When pronouncing, the vocal cords on both sides are damaged due to excessive adduction contact. After a long time, the damaged parts will be hypertrophy and hypertrophy, resulting in vocal cord polyps. However, there is no cure after the disease occurs. The 94th Hospital of Nanchang People's Liberation Army introduced advanced technology "optical fiber radio frequency" to treat vocal cord polyps. This technology combined with low-temperature plasma ablation technology under high-definition Olympus optical fiber electronic laryngoscope can accurately and effectively ablate polyp tissue and realize the safe cure of the disease without any treatment residue and side effects. Moreover, the treatment time of this technology is short, and the treatment often takes only tens of minutes, which will not affect the normal life of patients. Recommended reading: How to treat vocal cord polyps in Nanchang? The main reason of vocal cord polyps is that people's awareness of disease prevention is not high, and there is no scientific prevention of diseases, which leads to the occurrence of diseases. However, after the occurrence of such diseases, there is no cure. It is possible to put an end to the harm of the disease by going to a regular big hospital for treatment in time. If there's anything you don't understand, you can consult a throat expert at the 94th Hospital of Nanchang PLA.