Char * menu [] = {* * * * * * * * menu * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,/* defines the menu string array */
"0. Initialize list", /* Initialize */
"1. input list",/* input record */
"2. Delete the record from the list",/* Delete the record from the table */
"3. Print list",/* Displays all records in the single linked list */
"4. Search records by name",/* Find records by name */
"5. Save the file",/* Save the records in the single linked list to a file */
"6. Load the file",/* Read the record from the file */
"7. Calculate scores",/* Calculate the total score and average score of all students */
"8. Insert the record into the list",/* Insert the record into the table */
"9. Copy the file to a new file"./* Copy the file */
"10. Sort to generate a new file", /* Sort */
"1 1. Append record to file",/* Append record to file */
"12. Index on number", /* index */
"13. Total figures",/* Total by category */
"14. Exit"}; /* Exit */
char s[3]; /* Save the selection number in character form */
int c,I; /* Define an integer variable */
gotoxy( 1,25); /* Move the cursor */
Printf ("Press any key to enter the menu ... \ n"); /* Press any key to enter the main menu */
getch(); /* Enter any key */
clr SCR(); /* Clear the screen */
gotoxy( 1, 1); /* Move the cursor */
Textcolor (yellow); /* Set the text display color to yellow */
Textbackground (blue); /* Set the background color to blue */
gotoxy( 10,2); /* Move the cursor */
putch(0xc 9); /* Output the upper left corner border ┏ */
for(I = 1; I & lt44; i++)
putch(0x CD); /* Output the top border horizontal line */
putch(0x bb); /* Output the upper right corner border ┓ */
for(I = 3; I & lt20; i++)
gotoxy( 10,I); putch(0x ba); /* Output left vertical line */
gotoxy(54,I); putch(0x ba);
}/* Output right vertical line */
gotoxy( 10,20); putch(0x c8); /* Output the upper left corner border ┗ */
for(I = 1; I & lt44; i++)
putch(0x CD); /* Output bottom border horizontal line */
putch(0x BC); /* Output the lower right corner border ┛ */
Window (1 1, 3,53,19); /* Make a window showing menus, and the size of the window is designed according to the number of menus */
clr SCR(); /* Clear the screen */
for(I = 0; I< 16; I++) /* Output main menu array */
gotoxy( 10,I+ 1);
cprintf("%s ",menu[I]);
Textbackground (black); /* Set the background color to black */
Window (1, 1, 80, 25); /* Restore the original window size */
gotoxy( 10,2 1); /* Move the cursor */
Do {
Printf ("\ nEnter your choice (0 ~14):"); /* Display prompt information outside the menu window */
scanf("%s ",s); /* Enter options */
c = atoi(s); /* Convert the input string into an integer */
} while(c & lt; 0 | | c >; 14); /* The selected item is not between 0 and 14. Please re-enter */
Return to c; /* Returns the option, and the main program calls the corresponding function according to the number */
Student *init ()
Returns NULL
/* Create a linked list */
Student * Create ()
int I; int s;
STUDENT *h=NULL, * info/* student pointer to structure */
for(; ; )
Info= (student *)malloc(sizeof)); /* Apply for space */
If (! Info) /* If the pointer information is empty */
Printf(" \ n Out of memory "); /* Output memory overflow */
Return NULL/* Return null pointer */
Enter ("input number:", information-> No,11); /* Enter the student number and check */
if(info-& gt; There is no [0]=='@') delimiter; /* If the first character of the student number is @, the input is over */
Enter ("Enter name:", information-> Name,15); /* Enter the name and check */
Printf ("Please enter %d score \n", n); /* Prompt to start entering scores */
s = 0; /* Calculate the total score of each student, with an initial value of 0*/
for(I = 0; I & ltn;; I++) /*N courses are circulated n times */
Do {
Printf ("score %d:", I+1); /* Prompt which course to attend */
Scanf("%d ",& Info-> score[I]); /* Enter the score */
if(info-& gt; score[I]& gt; 100 | | information->; score[I]& lt; 0) /* Make sure the score is between 0~ 100 */
Printf ("bad data, repeated input \ n"); /* Error message */
} while(info-& gt; score[I]& gt; 100 | | information->; score[I]& lt; 0);
s = s+info-& gt; Score [I]; /* Accumulate the scores of various courses */