(1) When one or several teeth are missing, the traditional fixed denture must first grind off the two teeth at the edge of the missing area as pillars to stabilize the braces, so that the denture will be firm, while the removable denture needs to make a big bottom plate as the base, which makes people feel uncomfortable and foreign body sensation. Artificial dental implants can be directly implanted into edentulous areas to fix dentures without losing other teeth, foreign bodies and discomfort.
(2) In the past, only removable dentures could be installed when the back of molar area was completely missing. However, the chewing function of removable denture is poor, and the metal hook of denture is easy to get stuck in dirt and difficult to clean, and the metal hook is also easy to be exposed, which affects the appearance. Artificial dental implants do not have the above disadvantages.
(3) When teeth are missing, complete dentures must be made. Traditional dentures are only supported by gingival soft tissue, and the fixation strength is weak. Dentures are not only easy to loosen, but also have poor chewing function, which can only restore 30% to 40% of normal function. In addition, if the gum is not properly stressed, the alveolar bone will gradually shrink and the denture effect will become worse and worse. The artificial dental implant has no movement or bad chewing function, and in the alveolar bone of the implant site, the dental implant forms functional stimulation, which delays the absorption of alveolar bone. Therefore, some people in the medical field call artificial dental implants the third pair of human teeth.