Why does GO language put type first?
When I need to define a plastic variable A, I think like this: I need a plastic variable now, and I want to define it, so I write an int first, and then I want its name A, so I write an int a? . Instead of writing the variable a, I want to distinguish a type int for it. 2. When calling the method, the go function of func (abdfsfsdfdgint, bagressdgf string, csdgesregd bool) is confused. In fact, programmers don't really look at the names of parameters at all, only at the types that need to be passed in. Pay attention to only three: int, string and bool. Writing like this will affect the line of sight, which is very messy. Func (int adsfasdf sdaf, string asdf asfasf, boolgwesgs), so I only pay attention to the type, so I am not affected by the name. 3.IDE automatically suggests that go is born for speed, and defines a structural Rectangle. Press R on the keyboard, and the IDE will automatically give the rectangle, enter directly, and it will come out. In turn, I will knock on myself letter by letter, which hurts. 4. as for the explanation given by go, when encountering complex functions ... a project can write several complex functions, sacrificing advantages in order to solve such a small problem.