2. Skin grinding: it is a surgical method to improve the irregular part of skin surface by grinding epidermis and dermal papillae, making it smooth and similar in color. Suitable for acne, smallpox, chickenpox, herpes zoster, eczema, trauma, burns or superficial scars left after surgery. If necessary, it can be performed simultaneously with surgical resection, and the effect is better than simple grinding.
3. Scar release and local plastic surgery: For the smaller tension cord-like and reticular scars, the scars can be cut off, and then the normal skin tissues around them can be used to form skin flaps, and the skin defects in the scars can be repaired by cross-transposition.
4. Scar excision plus free skin grafting: A large hypertrophic scar can be surgically removed, and then a free skin graft can be cut from the normal part of the body and transplanted to the scar wound to repair the wound and restore the skin function.