Distribution and characteristics of trigeminal neuralgia pain;
1. Pain is mostly distributed along nerve branches. For example, the pain of the first branch is often located on the surface or depth of the eyes, upper eyelids and forehead.
2. The second branch of pain is located in cheek, upper lip and gum, but hard palate pain is rare.
3. The third pain is located in the lower lip and gum, and less involved in the tongue.
4. The pain of the second and third branches can radiate to the temporal side along its branches, which is more regular.
5. Pain can also be confined to a distribution area for a long time.
6, the spread of pain is not jumping, for example, the third pain will not cross the second to reach the first pain.
7, the pain does not cross the midline, even for bilateral patients, one side does not cross the opposite side during the attack.