Russian adjectives are conjugated as follows:
Adjectives are usually used before nouns, while participles can be placed before or after nouns.
For example:
- красивый дом (beautiful house) - adjective.
- дом, красиво украшенный цветами (beautiful house decorated with flowers) - participle.
Adjectives have only one form, while participles change according to gender, number and case.
For example:
- большой стол (big table) - adjective.
- большие столы (big tables) - adjective.
- стол, накрытый на обед (table ready for lunch) - participle (masculine singular nominative).
When analyzing actions, it is also important to distinguish between the two. Adjectives describe the characteristics of things; while the dynamic participle of past tense or present continuous tense indicates that an action is taking place or has been completed.
For example:
- замерзшая река (frozen river) – past tense dynamic participle.
- плавающий лебедь (Swimming Swan) – Present continuous tense dynamic participle.
In short, in Russian, both participles and adjectives are used to describe nouns, but there are some subtle differences between them.