What is said above is not complete. I am a programmer. To put it simply, applications are written in different programming languages. They use a series of functions in the programming languages ??and are finally generated and installed through compilation. file, the garbled codes you see are because the encoding format is incorrect. In fact, it should be like the following if (cb_type.Checked == true)
cb_type1.Checked = false;
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Prompt", "");< /p>
if (cb_type1.Checked == true)
txt_bg_id.Text = (_ship.GetMaxnumber_BC(1).ToString()).PadLeft(5, '0');
bt_Addship .Enabled = true;
bt_Save.Enabled = true;
cb_type.Enabled = true;
cb_type1.Enabled = true;