1) International Symposium on Global Financial Crisis and New Changes in Capitalist Economy and System, Tianjin, June 212
2) 19th Symposium of China Foreign Economic Theory Research Association, Xi 'an, October 211.
3) The 5th Annual Conference of China Political Economy, Chengdu, October 211.
4) the 4th China annual conference on political economy, Tianjin, November 21.
5) 18th academic seminar of China Foreign Economic Theory Research Association, Kunming, September 21.
6) 17th academic seminar of China Foreign Economic Theory Research Association, Guangzhou, November 29.
7) The Third Annual Conference of China Political Economy, Shanghai, November 29.
8) 12th Seminar of the National Marxism–Leninism Economic Theory History Society, Tianjin, October 29.
9) 13th annual meeting of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought. International Conference on Technological Progress and Economic Analysis, Greece, April 29
(13th annual conference of the European society for the history of economic thought on international topic: technical change and economic ana. Lysis, Greece, 23-26 April 29)
1) The First Annual Conference of China Political Economy, Beijing, September 27.
11) 14th academic seminar of China Foreign Economic Theory History Research Association, Beijing, October 26.
12) 13th academic seminar of China Capital Research Association, Fuzhou, September 26.
13) 19th national symposium on the theory and practice of socialist economy in colleges and universities, Beijing, October 25.