Import string
# Returns a list of a given number of random numbers
Lst = random.sample (source, n)
Parameter Source: randomly select from sources, where n is quantity.
The following strings are available for selection
The question is simple.
Generate n random numbers
numlst =[int(I)for I in random . sample(string . digits,n)]
Numlst is a random number shaping list.
Generate n random characters
strlst =[I for I in random . sample(string . ascii _ letters,n)]
Returns a list of random characters.
Generate random string strlst = [I for I in random.sample (string.ascii _ letters, n)].
Just connect the random characters.
Print ('). join(strlst))
If the random characters and strings to be generated are signed, just use string.printable as the parameter source and pass it to random.sample(source, n).
Hope to adopt!