The ministers listed above want to build a palace for Fang Yi. Although Liu Heng knew that the treasury was empty, he had to agree because of Fang Yi's face. Wang Zhi ordered the shutdown after knowing it, and then decorated Xia Zi Palace as a Daiguo, which not only saved expenses, but also won the trust of Fang Yi.
When Wang Zhi saw that Liu Qi was deeply attached to himself, he hesitated and didn't know whether he should continue to take revenge. She asked Liu Qi to take Bijun into the palace. Bijun relies on Wang Zhi's identity and wants to return to his ancestral home. She killed the farmer who lived in it by mistake. The peasant woman sued the county government, and the county government sent Bijun to Wang Zhi. Bijun told her to stay in Yilan Temple and not to go out again.
The great man told Ji Bo about it, and Gibb was furious and questioned Wang Zhi. Wang Zhi personally took Bijun to the past, cut off her little finger with a knife as punishment, and ordered Bijun to close her room.
Wang Zhi came to the violence room to meet Jun Bi. Jun Bi told Wang Zhi about Fang Yi, and Wang Zhi threatened Jun Bi. Fang Yi felt that the situation was serious, so he asked Imperial Secretary Xiaomei to monitor Wang Zhi's every move.
Wang Zhi found Yafu and wanted to hide Bijun in his house. Xiaomei told Fang Yi what she saw, and Fang Yi sent someone to take zhangyan to the palace and let Yafu handle Wang Zhi's affairs well. Wang Zhi found that she had been vomiting recently, so she called Dr. Wu for treatment. Dr. Wu told her that she was pregnant. Wang Zhi asked Dr. Wu to abort the baby, but Dr. Wu had no choice but to give Wang Zhi a pack of saffron. Xingguang cinema
Wang Zhi hesitated. He doesn't know whether to drink medicine to kill the child. Bijun came in and the medicine fell to the ground. Wang Zhi took Bijun to Yafu and arranged for her to leave the palace. He happened to meet Dr. Wu, who told her that he had told Liu Qi about it. Wang Zhi found Liu Qi and told him that he would keep the child.
Ji Bo was awakened by a nightmare and wanted to release Qiaohui without a room and live in a house with a plague. Ji Bo was infected with the plague, so Fang Yi hurried to see her and took good care of her. Ji Bo was moved. Late at night, with no room to sleep, Ji Bo put on all his clothes and went out.
When I woke up, I didn't have a room. I found that Ji Bo was gone, so I looked around quickly. Finally, I found Ji Bo dancing on the Lotus Platform. Ji Bo asked to dance with her on the stage without a room, but he fell down and died on the stage.
Pei Xin incinerated Ji Bo's clothes, and Imperial Secretary took a dress. She found Qiao Hui who was released, gave her Ji Bo's clothes and told her that they were infected with the plague.
Qiao Hui hated Wang Zhi's guts and deliberately gave her clothes. Wang Zhi was infected with the plague, and Liu Qi stayed with her to take care of her.
Yafu went to look for the cause of Wangsun Jin's death and found that the hoe smelled of blood. He decided that Liu Qi didn't kill him. He thought of Bijun, so he deliberately set a trap to induce Bijun to believe that the ghost of Wangsun Jin was looking for someone to take revenge.
Wang Zhi leisurely woke up and heard the discussion outside. Scheeren told her that Liu Qi had moved all the affairs of the DPRK to Yilan Hall because he wanted to take care of her. Wang Zhi came out to see Liu Qi, who was having a heated discussion with ministers. Suddenly, he fainted from fatigue. Wang Zhi came running, Liu Qi woke up, told her to go back to rest, and continued to discuss with ministers.
Wang Zhi found herself in love with Liu Qi, but she had to avenge Wangsun Jin. In a dilemma, she tried to commit suicide and was stopped by Yafu. Yafu takes Wang Zhi to Zhoufu, and Bijun is burning paper for Wangsun Jin. Yafu plays the ghost to scare Bijun, who tells the truth. Episode 37: Wang Zhi finds Liu Qi and pretends to have amnesia. Actually, it's to avenge my husband. Liu Qi was deeply hit and demoted Wang Zhi to Yongxiang.
The wonderful person comforted Liu Qi, who was upset, and told her to leave quickly. Imperial secretary took Wang Zhi's clothes and prepared to send them. The wonderful man deliberately told Liu Qi that this dress belonged to Ji Bo, and it was infected with the plague. Liu Qi learned that Qiao Hui had given the clothes to Wang Zhi, so he ordered the arrest of Qiao Hui. Qiao Hui hanged himself when he saw that things were exposed.
Miaoren tried to please Liu Qi, but Liu Qi refused to talk to her. Miaoren is very upset. The bodyguard king has a close relationship with imperial secretary Xiaomei. She was caught by the Miao people and ordered to be executed. Mammy Li stopped her and gave her a plan.
The strange man asked Xiaomei to do something for him, and when he finished it, he would die, but he could get Awang's life back. Xiaomei agreed. Without a room, Xiaomei was asked to show Liu Qi a portrait of a girl. Xiaomei stepped forward and suddenly pulled out a dagger from her sleeve and stabbed Liu Qi. The wonderful man just came in, jumped on Liu Qi and was stabbed. Xiaomei committed suicide. Liu Qi is very grateful to Miao Ren and loves her.
Mammy Li took the Kingsguard to the violent room to prepare for the execution of Wang, who was struggling desperately. Mammy Li told him that Xiaomei and he could only live one, and Wang gave up resistance and was strangled alive. Xingguang cinema
Liu Qi was worried about recruiting governors from all over the world, so Miao people advised Liu Qi to call them into the palace on the grounds that they had no room for their birthday, and then put them under house arrest. Governors came one after another, and Liu Qi left Liu Wu alone, inadvertently talking about the possibility of passing the throne to Liu Wu in the future. Beautiful people are shocked to hear this.
Late at night, the great man found Liu Wu and told him that Liu Qi was going to kill him and let him escape. Liu Wu ran to the door of the palace and happened to meet Fang Yi and Liu Ying, so he told them that microbloggers wanted to commit suicide.
As there was no room, a family dinner was held to find out the truth, and Liu Qi was asked to write a letter to Liu Wu as the emperor's younger brother. Liu Qi was in a dilemma. The wonderful man deliberately poured Liu Qi wine and made him pretend to be ill, so he concealed it. Wonderful people find the governor and tell them that Fang Yi, in the name of offering birthday wishes, is actually trying to kill them and ask them to take Liu Wu as a person to ensure their own safety.
The great man found Liu Wu again, and told him to hurry back to the fief. Liu Wu couldn't bear to see Fang Yi worry about his own business and decided to leave. When I walked to the door of the palace, I was arrested by princes. None of the rescue Liu Wu leading to the palace gate was blocked, and Liu Ying drove her out in a carriage. Liu Ying traded himself for the safety of the vassals, Liu Wu was safely exchanged, and Liu Ying committed suicide, with no room to live, and was heartbroken.
Liu Wu returned to the fief, and no room refused to see Liu Qi. Liu Qi is going to make Liu Wu his younger brother to gain Fang Yi's understanding. The wonderful person quickly stopped her and said that she had a way to get Fang Yi to announce the temple. Liu Qizheng was about to go to court when he suddenly vomited one mouthful blood and fainted to the ground. The man came to the court with Liu Qi's bloody handkerchief and asked the ministers to recommend Liu Rong as the prince.
Ministers suggested to Fang Yi that the prince should be established earlier. Miao Ren took Liu Rong to court and showed Fang Yi Liu Qi's bloody handkerchief, saying that his son would not fight for the position of the prince. He asked Fang Yi to visit Liu Qi in Xuan Shi Temple, and Fang Yi agreed.
Introduction to the beauty plot: No room in episode 39, he visited Liu Qi in Xuan Shi Temple and allowed him to make Liu Rong a prince, but promised to spare Washington's life no matter what happened. Liu Rong was made a prince, and Miao people moved to Jiaofang Temple. She began to become overbearing and kill people at every turn. Fang Yi is very worried. Yafu told Fang Yi that Wang Zhi had a son and a daughter, and Fang Yi asked him to pay more attention.
Yafu went to visit Wang Zhi. He was very happy to see that Wang Zhi's son Herry Liu and his daughter Pingyang were very clever. His design caused the contradiction between Liu Rong and Gillian, and Miaoren refused to marry Gillian, so Guantao held a grudge. At that time, Herry Liu appeared at the right time, and Guan Tao asked Fang Yi to give Gillian to Herry Liu.
Liu Qi kept coughing, but refused to take medicine. Wang Zhi heard about it and put jujube paste in the medicine with two children. Liu Qi is finally willing to take medicine. He accidentally discovered that all this was done by Wang Zhi, so he recalled her to Yilan Hall.
Wonderful people found themselves and Liu Rong's position threatened, and tried to push Herry Liu into the river, but they fell in. Liu Qi was furious after learning about this incident, and she and Liu Rong were abolished together, relegated to the end of the plot of "Country". In the 40th episode, Xiongnu repeatedly invaded the border of Dahan, and Liu Qi sent Yafu to quell the chaos. Who knows that the Huns cheated, and the Han army was besieged because of insufficient military strength. Liu Qi ordered Liu Wu to send troops to reinforce them. The Huns were routed, and Yafu moved back to Korea a few days later. Zhang Yan's illness became more and more serious, but he died regretfully before Yapu came back.
The minister said in the above table that Liu became more and more arrogant and even made a dragon robe privately, asking Liu Qi to spare Liu's life. ...
Liu Wuzheng is sitting on the ground watching the stars, holding a beautiful woman in his arms. Suddenly, a group of men in black descended from the sky and killed everyone they saw. Liu Wu failed to escape and was nailed to a tree by an arrow. Fang Yi refused to forgive Liu Qi after learning of Liu Wu's death. Liu Qi is seriously ill. He hoped to see Fang Yi before he died, but Fang Yi never saw him again. After Liu Qi's death, Herry Liu succeeded to the throne and was renamed Liu Che.
One day, Fang Yi came to Shanglinyuan and heard Herry Liu quarreling with Gillian, only to know that Guan Tao sent someone to kill Liu Wu and wronged Liu Qi himself, and the whole person fell to the ground. Without a room, his illness is getting worse and worse. Herry Liu asked to send troops to attack the Huns. There was no room, so I gave him the roller to save his strength and wait for the opportunity.
Yafu and Fang Yi sit face to face and talk. Wang Zhi came over and invited Fang Yi to see the new family members who entered the palace. No room to see Wei Zifu, just like his youth, scenes of the past emerged in front of her eyes. ...