Transocean plastic map
There is a direct bus from Loudi to Yueyang, as follows: /Changtu/ Hunan/Loudi.htm.

Arrival station departure time car type

Yueyang 7:50 CMB

There are also trains from Loudi to Yueyang, and the time is as follows:

Train departure time arrival time mileage hard seat soft seat hard sleeper soft sleeper

2 160 Loudi 02:5 1 Yueyang 07:20 4 hours and 35 minutes 324 3807115.

K 1 10 Loudi 04:34 Yueyang 08:07 3 hours 39 minutes 324 32 5 1 58 89

K338 Loudi 16:38 Yueyang 20:47 4 hours 15 minutes 324 36 0 62 99

K458/K455 Loudi 15:00 Yueyang 20:05 5 hours 23 minutes 356 40 0 70 1 10

K472/K473 Loudi10:1Yueyang 14:42 4 hours and 43 minutes 356 36 0 63 100.