Question 1: Is it allowed?
Question 2: Advantages
Question 3: Impression
Question 4: originality
Question 5: Discount
Question 6: Balance
Question 7: Gentle/gentle?
Question 8: No.
Question 9: Confirmed.
Question 10: patience
Test analysis:
Question 1: Is it allowed? The verb permit allows someone to do something. This sentence is in the form of passive voice and is allowed to do something.
Question 2: The strengths and weaknesses are fixed. Advantages and disadvantages.
Question 3: Impression? Noun impression; Make a deep impression on.
Question 4: The original word "original" comes from the noun "origin";
Question 5: discount noun discount; Sell at a discount.
Question 6: The balanced adjective is transformed from the noun balance.
Question 7: Gentle/gentle? Adjective gentle/nild;; ;
Question 8: No? Unlike prepositions, this word is composed of the prefix un- plus like.
Question 9: the confirmation verb confirm, because it is followed by said, so it is in the ordinary past tense.
Question 10: The patient adverb patiently modifies the verb didit, which is transformed from the adjective "patient".
Comments: There are many real words in word spelling, so we should pay special attention to the changes of noun singular and plural, verb tense voice, adjectives and adverbs, and the use of specific grammar such as subjunctive mood.