L stands for large, m stands for medium, s stands for small, xi stands for extra large, and xxi stands for extra large. "1" means a person with a height of 1.5m; "2" is suitable for people whose height is1.55m, and so on, "3" stands for1.6m, "4" stands for1.65m, "5" stands for1.7m, and "6" stands for/kloc.
"Y" means the difference between bust and waist 16cm, "YA" means the difference 14cm, "A" means the difference 12cm, "AB" means the difference 10cm, "B" means the difference of 8cm and "BE" means the difference of 4.
"Size" refers to the height of the human body, in centimeters, which is the basis for designing and purchasing clothes. "Type" refers to the bust and waist circumference of the human body, in centimeters, which is the basis for designing and purchasing clothes. Body type classification: Body types are classified into four categories according to the difference between chest circumference and waist circumference. The body type classification codes are Y (thin), A (normal), B (overweight) and C (obese).