In The Love of Parents, Mrding's first wife is Wang Xiue, and Jiang Defu once told Anji about Wang Xiue. Jiang Defu said that Wang Xiue is Mrding's daughter-in-law. She is three years older than Mrding and moves every Golden Week. Moreover, Wang Xiue is also a cousin of Mrding's aunt's house. Therefore, apart from husband and wife, Mrding and Wang Xiue are relatives.
Later, Wang Xiue died of four kinds of massive bleeding, and Mrding's life was neglected, which made him look listless. Although I talked about love several times on the island, they all ended without results. Jiang Dehua, on the other hand, has always loved Mrding and cared for Mrding, but Jiang Dehua has no education and Mrding has been reluctant. After many failures, Mrding finally realized that Jiang Dehua was the most suitable person for him, so he and Jiang Dehua came together.
Later, Jiang Dehua Mrding gave birth to a daughter, and the days passed slowly, but Mrding didn't accompany Jiang Dehua to the end. While everyone was worshipping Mrding, the dates of birth of Wang Xiue and Mrding appeared on the tombstone, showing that Mrding was six years older than Wang Xiue, which was different from the age explained before. Although the camera flashed by, you can still find it after careful observation.
Everyone is not only attracted by the plot in the play, but also likes everyone in the play. Each of them is flesh and blood and has different personalities. Smart and humorous man Jiang Defu, smart and beautiful man Anjie, a little smart man Jiang Dehua and Mrding, etc. These characters are fresh in everyone's memory.
What everyone envies more is the love between Jiang Defu and Anjie. At that time, it was the dream of many women to marry an officer like Jiang Defu, even though he was a lout. Jiang Defu is full of positive energy in the play, which makes Anjie love him and makes the children respect him.