The variety show "Meng Detective" is produced by iQiyi, which is a reality show about reasoning events. The guests are Sun, Han, Song, Na Ying and Andy. These people are artists with a strong sense of diversity. Maybe Na Ying seldom participates in variety shows, but I believe she will do well in them. The plot design and link design of this variety show will definitely attract the audience. The current Detective Meng case is indeed a variety show that has not been broadcast.
Which artists' clothes have been exposed recently in Reuters? The first one is Andy. From the pictures of Reuters, we can see that Andy seems to play a princess, so many people guess that Andy must play Wei Zi. Indeed, it is appropriate for Andy to play Wei Zi, because her personality is more like Wei Zi's, and they are all lively, cheerful and quaint girls. Then it was, and it really restored the appearance of Sister Rong at that time. Many people are called Yang Di? Sister Di? More like Yang Di with a pair of particularly obscene eyes.
I look forward to the broadcast of this variety show. Now that this variety show has been recorded, I believe it will be broadcast soon. This variety show not only restored the real scene at that time, but also adapted it. An excellent actor like Sun is sure to bring a lot of joy to this variety show. As can be seen from their appearance, the program group did spend a lot of effort. Almost all the people who appeared on the scene were dressed in ancient costumes, which I believe will definitely bring a lot of joy to everyone.