David Guan Yue and his wife took their three-year-old son to mourn the daughter of their friend Dong Xuan. It can be said that ostentation and extravagance is also very good. Among them, Guan Yue wore a white shirt and skirt, a shawl and a bob. David wears a casual oversized white shirt with jeans, which is refreshing and elegant. The 3-year-old son is a little naughty and wears black and white in his parents' style.
After the divorce, Dong Xuan's overall state is getting better and better, and she wears a black T-shirt to help her daughter. Elegant and capable classic workplace wear style, with low ponytail hairstyle, is still particularly beautiful. Dong Xuan, who once basically returned to his family, returned to the big screen again, and his chivalrous temperament also returned.
Of course, this time the focus is still on the dimple of Dong Xuan's 3-year-old daughter. Guan Yue and Dong Xuan are good friends. Recently, the parent-child restaurant opened by them has also gathered many friends in the circle to support it. Guan Yue, the first show of dimple show, also attached great importance to it. She not only went to the scene to pay tribute in person, but also helped out with her husband and three fetuses. It can be said that she is a good sister. Two girlfriends sitting side by side in the audience are chatting in full swing.
Although the 3-year-old dimple on the stage is the first show on the runway, it is not stage fright at all. Originally super sweet and lovely, the runway immediately turned into a domineering model held to live in the audience. Serious expression, there is a feeling that I was born for the runway. I am so handsome at the age of three.
The blue starry tulle skirt with a slim colored cartoon printed top looks like a dance costume. Children wear it sweet and lovely, and it matches the fleshy face very well, especially Q-shaped. A pair of bright star boots make this sweet shape more handsome and cool. The 3-year-old boy perfectly inherited the superior face value of his parents, and the feeling of the T-stage veteran was so cute.
Of course, a good model can be not only cold, lively and lovely, but also super eye-catching. Dimple not only has no stage fright, but also seems to enjoy the feeling of being noticed on the runway. Relax and take off like a deer, just like taking a catwalk.
Not only is mother a good best friend, but the two 3-year-old children in the same box are also childhood friends, which is very eye-catching. Among them, dimples look lively, while David's triplets are a little stiff. But the two little guys are in the same box, both cute big-headed dolls. They are really super cute, so cute two babies.
Dong Xuan, who is encouraging her daughter, has a lovely dimple in front of her mother. The clothes she prepared are fresh and sweet, and the big red nails are super eye-catching. Nowadays, children understand beauty more and more, and red nails are really delicate to the fingertips.
Dong Xuan's 3-year-old daughter walked on the runway, and David Guan Yue walked with her son. Childhood friends in the same box are so beautiful! Two generations of two stars perfectly inherited the advantages of their parents' face value in the same box, which is really eye-catching. The dimples are sweet and lovely, and David's son is elegant and has a sense of CP since he was a child.