SOOM: Hanshe, there are dolls of all sizes, but they are all beautiful paraplegics with beautiful faces. Generally speaking, it is recommended to buy nude dolls, the whole set price is 2000 dollars, and other better-looking clothes can be bought at the same price. The price is very expensive compared with that of the National Society. The ID75 of a naked baby is about $75,800, and it may be taxed if it is generally bought. If you find an agent to place an order, you can apply to the official group, and the tax can be less than your own order. I won't choose another size. Uncle ID has one or two, both of which are beautiful but heavy. The construction period is generally about three months. If you apply for staging when placing an order, the construction period will overlap for three months and one to two months.
Charmdoll: Dragon Soul belongs to the same company. The big topic is similar to Dragon Soul, but the difference is more Europeanized.
AOD: My into the pit national society has a fast construction cycle, but the official map is like this, so private support is very beautiful. The price of 30 cents is around 1k2, and the seafood market can occasionally see around 750. By the way, many amazing things have been changed.
There are other babies I have, but I have met ray, so I don't recommend it.