2. Do you have the original packaging bag of Li Lang l2? When consulting the seller, parents can mention the packaging bag of Li Lang l2 intentionally or unintentionally (be sure to pretend that it was not put forward unintentionally, otherwise it will arouse the vigilance of swindlers). Don't underestimate this packaging bag. Authentic Li Lang l2 clothes must have matching original packaging bags. Dear friends, I don't know, in fact, the cost of packaging bags for clothes is not low. Most clothing manufacturers have to find professional packaging manufacturers to do it, and in order to establish a brand image, the quality of packaging bags will not be low, so the cost is definitely not low. Manufacturers who copy Li Lang l2 will never waste this money, and the technical difficulty of copying Li Lang l2 packaging bags is not something that ordinary printing plants can do. Therefore, only the seller said that there was no packaging bag for Li Lang l2, or that the packaging bag was not provided for various reasons. It must be an imitation of Li Lang l2 clothes.