After rest, silk clothes should be ironed and shaped to make them flat and smooth, which can enhance the anti-pollution ability. The color fastness of silk fabric is poor, so it is not suitable for direct drying in the sun. On the one hand, it fades, which affects the brightness of the color. When collecting silk clothes, it is best to wrap white clothes in paper to avoid fading. Silk clothing is light and thin, afraid of squeezing, and easy to wrinkle, especially textured silk and Xiangyun yarn, which should be stored separately or placed on the upper floor of the suitcase.
Velvet clothing such as golden velvet must be hung up and stored with hangers to prevent the fluff from being overwhelmed or deformed, damaging the clothing and affecting the appearance. Silk clothing should be isolated from fur and wool clothing, and at the same time, it should be stored in color separation to prevent some dyes from being polluted. Silk clothing will also be moldy due to moisture, which is easy to attract insects. Therefore, it is necessary not only to keep it dry when collecting, but also to use some moth-proofing agents to prevent insects from eating.