The sleeves of the ancients seem to be wide, as evidenced by the picture, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, because the important letters and money of the ancients were lost, all of them were packed in the sleeves. In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a famous man who was a dutiful son. When he went to eat, he was reluctant to eat the food on the table. He hid it in his sleeve and went home to honor his mother. This shows that the sleeves are so wide. There is an idiom in China called "stealing". Think about it because it is convenient for sleeves. If you just sweep on the desktop, things will disappear. No problem, not stealing. Martial arts practitioners always wear sleeves and tie their trouser legs. They think that coat sleeves are a big hindrance, but they have invented a weapon, called the sleeve arrow, which can hurt people at close range and can also be used as a cover-up.
At the same time, you are right, that is, officials have long sleeves, while ordinary people generally have narrow sleeves, which makes sleeves become the poverty, warmth and beauty of spokespersons. "Lack of money" means that people are extremely poor and lack clothes, and their arms are frozen there and dare not move, for fear of exposing the flesh on their arms and the short sleeves. Du Fu's poem "She forgot the thin silk sleeves and the cold, and leaned against the tall bamboo in the sunset." Is it strange that he says that a beautiful woman is cold and naked, but her sleeves are thin instead of clothes? It is self-evident how beautiful Chang 'e is, but her light dancing is enough to make people daydream, because only beautiful women dare to be so confident, so comfortable and so beautiful, waving their sleeves like flowers in the water.