1, genuine Jiu Muwang men's one-stop packaging. Trademarks, tags, spare materials and spare buttons are all available, and the addresses of manufacturers on the outer packaging of bags, bags and boxes are all complete.
2. Authentic Jiumen's wear is fine in workmanship, exquisite in materials, wrinkle-free and attractive in appearance.
3. In order to prevent the pocket from being deformed when clothes are displayed, King Jiu Mu often seals the pocket with open threads and large stitches, and then opens it after putting it on.
4. In addition to the trademark nailed to the clothes, there is also a temporary trademark nailed to the right cuff for identification, which should be removed when wearing. Trademarks are woven and should not be printed.
5. The clothes of authentic Jiumenswear are the same color as the fabric, and the logo of this trademark is woven on the lining.
6. There are trademarks on the buttons, zippers and other accessories of the authentic Jiuwang Munan.