Do you think clothes have anything to do with mood?
Fabric, color and style of clothing are closely related to people's mood. Choosing the right clothes can improve people's mood. Color is perceptual. Wearing warm clothes can make people excited and energetic. Wearing cool clothes will make people feel calm and comfortable. For example, many factories in Japan use bright colors such as beige, which gives people a comfortable feeling. Workers say that wearing this color uniform gives them a sense of relaxation and makes them feel much better at work. Style is also related to mood. Don't wear tight and thin clothes when you are depressed. If it is too thin and narrow, it will make people feel persecuted. This kind of feeling, for people in a bad mood, will only make their mood heavier. At this time, if you wear clothes with wide robes and big sleeves, you will breathe smoothly and have smooth blood circulation, which is conducive to the recovery of your mood. Don't wear hard clothes when you are in a bad mood, it will make you feel stiff and unhappy. Wearing soft clothes at this time will make you feel very comfortable and psychologically secure.