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There is no Princess Zhu Huan. Yongqi died young. Her name was Essien Joe Luo Yongqi. It should be pointed out that Rong Wang was posthumously sealed before his death, not after his death. Among the philosophers of Qianlong, only three people have such honor: Aisingiorro Yongqi, the fifth son of the emperor (named Rong Qinwang), Aisingiorro Yongxian, the eleventh son of the emperor (named Prince), and Aisingiorro Yan Yong, the fifteenth son of the emperor (named Prince Jia, namely Emperor Jiaqing). Yongqi is the first person to enjoy this honor. In other words, Yong Huang, Yong Lian and Zhang Yong all died young, and Yong Kun was adopted by others in 28 years. From November of the 28th year of Qianlong to the 8th day of March of the 31st year of Yongqi's death, Yongqi was the real eldest son of the emperor. As the "eldest son of the emperor", he must have more opportunities and responsibilities than other princes in assisting the emperor, and Gan Long also has more opportunities to see the talent of this prince. Presumably, it is another reason why Qianlong loves Yongqi.