Generally speaking, military training uniforms are ordered by schools. Before placing an order, students will also collect the sizes of their clothes, pants and shoes, and there will be a corresponding size table. As far as clothes are concerned, it is recommended to choose a larger size; Pants, you can measure your leg circumference, and then choose pants one size larger than this; As far as shoes are concerned, the size of sports shoes you usually wear is the size of military training. You know, military training uniforms are generally loose, and students should not choose a smaller size because they look good, which will affect training.
As a necessary item for high school students and college students, military training clothes must be worn during military training. The main difference between it and the clothes we usually wear is that it is lighter and more compact to meet the requirements of tactical and technical actions. Generally, the whole set of military training clothes includes five items: clothes, trousers, beef tendon shoes, belts and hats. The price set by the school is also very cheap, about 100 yuan.