Which is better, Eddie Bauer or North Face? Price comparison?
Let me answer that. Eddie Bauer's quality is much higher than North Face's. Eddie Bauer is a quality-oriented northern face. Now he feels unprofessional. He is a popular brand. You can see that people who really play outdoors don't admire North Face much now, because he takes a popular style rather than a professional route. If you need to exercise high-end products with excellent quality of down North Face outdoors, it is also possible and not possible. There is no professionalism, but according to the public's opinion, the down on the north face is really not so good. Eddie Bauer mainly has leisure and outdoor down, but at least the quality and cost performance are much better than those of Beimian. Outdoor equipment should not only be light, strong and durable, but also be considered emphatically. At present, the general outdoor down can't solve the problem of down jumping at all, so the lighter the outer fabric, the better, which will lead to the problem of down jumping, but if there is no down, the service life will not be long.