1, caviar
Caviar, also known as caviar, is the lung product of sturgeon eggs and salmon eggs. Caviar is round, full of particles, and it is broken in the mouth. It smells like fish, just like the taste of the ocean. Caviar in the traditional sense refers to the pickled sturgeon roe, whose value is equivalent to truffles in the plant kingdom, with outstanding flavor and high price, and it has long been a luxury on the western table. "
Bonra is a traditional Russian alcoholic beverage, which is distilled from grain or potato into 95% alcohol, then diluted to 40-60% with distilled water and filtered with activated carbon.
Its wine is clear, colorless, light and refreshing, which makes people feel neither sweet nor bitter, but only flame-like stimulation, which is the unique feature of vodka. Therefore, vodka is the most flexible, adaptable and elastic wine among various base wines of cocktails.
3. Russian dolls
Marpewka is a Russian specialty wooden toy, which generally consists of more than six hollow wooden dolls with the same pattern, up to more than ten at most, usually cylindrical with a flat bottom that can stand upright. The most common pattern is a girl in Russian national costume named "Matt Roska".
There are four types of Russian dolls: bronzing, baking, painting and mixed technology. Different colors of dolls have different meanings.
Russian Federation (Poccunckas DenepauuA, Russian Federation Atlton, Russia for short) is a semi-presidential republic with Moscow as its capital. The legal tender is ruble, and the common language is Russian. The current head of state is the Federal President Vladimir vladimirovich Putin.