Second, choose a company. Then ask the price of the selected goods. Because some franchisees are more expensive, we must negotiate with them. The higher the price of the goods we buy, the higher our cost. If there are discounts on some holidays, our profits will be lower, so we must choose better products when choosing. This is more important for clothing stores.
The third more important issue is the quality assurance of goods. If every brand company wants to operate for a long time and let our people fully recognize us, then the quality of the brand and the quality of the clothes must be guaranteed to a great extent.
When some of our customers question our products or some quality problems, what kind of support will the brand company give us and what kind of work we need to do to minimize our losses, because sometimes we have to bear the money for a dress ourselves, but the price is relatively high. Especially some expensive things, so we need to negotiate with our brand company in advance, so that we can reduce our losses. Relatively speaking, the cost of joining and some problems in the middle are more. Therefore, before we choose to join, we must make preparations in advance to prevent some unpleasant things from affecting the normal operation of our store.