1. (indicating position) is in [inside, in]; In, in; In ...? At a certain point in the area or volume of (sth)
During, after, in the process of? In (a period of time); (After the longest time)
3. (indicating the direction) In the direction of ...? towards
4. In, in, on, or wearing? (indicating the physical environment and situation)
5. (emoticon) In the form of, by, by, by, by? (indicating form, shape, arrangement or quantity)
6. (explain why) because, for? for
7. Within (indicate field and scope)? Within the shape of ...
In pronunciation: English [? N] beauty [? n]
Preposition is at a certain point (in a certain range or space); In (the shape or extent of sth); Inside; In ...; enter
Inside; Including; Enter; At home; at work
Popular; popular
Ruler; Visit; insider
He opened the door and went in.
He opened the door and went in.
Extended data synonyms: internal, intermediate
First, the internal pronunciation: English [n? Sa? D] beauty [n? Sa? d]
Preposition in (or to); At (or to); Less than (a certain time)
At (or to); In prison; imprison
Inside; Internal; Inside; Slow lane (near the roadside); Inner side, inner lane, inner ring (at the corner of a road or runway)
Internal; Inside; Learned from the inside; The inside man did it.
For example: inside? That? Passport? Used to be. Answer? Fold? Slipped? Yes? Paper?
There is a folded piece of paper in the passport.
Second, pronunciation: English [m] and the United States [m]
Interpretation: prep. At ...; Be surrounded; In (it); One ...; In the middle of three or more (distribution or selection)
Example: They? Gone? In the middle That? Crowd? Are you online? Red? Square. ?
They walked on the bustling Red Square.