When many cooperation channels across the country began to distribute goods, this wine was sold in the name of LU ZHOU LAO JIAO CO.,LTD Co., Ltd., but it was actually sold with a sheep's head, just like the wine produced in Maotai Town was sold in the name of Maotai. Dongfang Xipao wine is only produced in Luzhou, and the quality and taste of this wine are not good. You know it's not as good as a 20-dollar Erguotou. Many people think it is fake wine after buying it. It doesn't really matter. The important thing is that this wine is. This wine can't be sold because there has been no market. Since 17, we have been using the card exchange mode and have cooperated with countless institutions. All exchange cards are free, and at least ten cards are given away. Each card is exchanged for free, but it must be submitted to the mailbox 20. Some people bought it and basically regretted it after buying it. The wine is too bad, just selling packaging. Later, this wine exchange card quietly disappeared from various activities.
I hope my answer is helpful to you. Welcome to adopt. Thank you.