He said to his son, "The blind date will come tomorrow, and you will have a wife soon." If someone asks you where the tree in front of your door is tomorrow, you will say that it will not be sold in 2008. If you ask what happened to the bamboo garden behind your house, you can say that it was destroyed in a panic. If you ask about the grain in the granary, you can say that my parents earned it hard. If they see the scholar diploma on the wall, you can say it's nothing, one in our family.
? The scholar finally said to his son, "I won't accompany you tomorrow, so behave yourself." The scholar wants his son to show up.
? Don't tell me, his son really remembers. The blind date came early the next day. The blind date didn't see his father when he entered the door, so he asked him, "Where's your father?" Not at home? "Silly son said," it will be difficult to sell in a few years. "
The blind date thought he was joking and asked, "What about your mother?"
The silly son said, "The soldiers and horses are all destroyed." Seeing that something was wrong with him, the blind date pointed to a pile of shit and said with a pun, "Look at your pile, it's all shit." Stupid son didn't understand what others meant, so he said in the order taught by his father, "My parents earned it hard." The blind date couldn't help it anymore and said, "Are you stupid? I have never seen you so stupid. "
? The silly son knew something, so he continued to say, "What's the matter?" There is a generation in our family. "