1. The wedding ceremony of the ancients was very grand and complicated, and it needed to go through many links. First, propose. The man's parents will bring gifts to the woman's house to propose marriage. If the woman agrees, the next engagement ceremony will be held. At the engagement ceremony, the man will give the woman a dowry, including gold and silver jewelry, cloth and food, to show sincerity and respect.
The next step is to choose an auspicious day and determine the specific date and time of the wedding. The ancients attached great importance to auspicious days, thinking that this could bless the happiness of new people. Fortune tellers are usually asked to calculate the most suitable date according to the birth dates of both parties.
On the wedding day, the groom should dress up and ride a good horse to the bride's house to get married. The bride should wait for the arrival of the groom at home and make a series of preparations such as makeup and hair. When the groom arrives at the bride's door, there will be a grand wedding, including beating gongs and drums and setting off firecrackers.
4. Immediately after the official start of the wedding ceremony. Newcomers will worship heaven and earth, Gaotang (parents) and ancestors in front of the hall to show respect for ancestors and families. Then there is the exchange of rings, candy and other items that symbolize the sweetness of love. Finally, the banquet and the blessings of relatives and friends. The whole wedding process is solemn and grand, full of rich folk customs and cultural connotations.
There are many precautions in ancient weddings. The following are some major preventive measures:
1. Choice of wedding date: When choosing a wedding date, the ancients usually refer to the birth dates of both parties and the Gregorian calendar to get an auspicious day. At the same time, it will also avoid holding weddings on special days such as the death of parents and grandparents. Preparation before marriage: The ancients made a series of preparations before marriage, including choosing a wedding room, buying a dowry, and asking a matchmaker to propose marriage. this
2. Wedding ceremony: The wedding ceremony of the ancients was usually very grand and complicated, including wedding, paying homage to the bride, pouring wine and sending it to the bridal chamber. Each link has strict rules and procedures, which need to be strictly observed by newcomers and relatives and friends. Wedding arrangement: Ancient people usually invited relatives and friends to the wedding banquet to show their celebration and share the joy.
3. Etiquette after marriage: The ancients also had some special etiquette to observe after marriage, such as returning to the door, visiting in-laws, and offering sacrifices to ancestors. These manners are not only a respect for tradition, but also an emphasis on new life. Marriage loyalty: The ancients attached great importance to marriage loyalty and thought that marriage was a lifelong commitment.