Pregnant women should be cautious when attending weddings.
Although there is no explicit stipulation that pregnant women can't attend the wedding, there are many people at the wedding site, so pregnant women need to be extra careful to avoid being hit. Therefore, pregnant women should pay special attention to protect themselves when attending weddings.
Watch your diet.
Pregnant women should pay attention to food hygiene when attending weddings, and avoid eating cold food and too much greasy food. At the same time, pregnant women should also avoid drinking alcohol to avoid affecting the fetus.
Be careful what you do.
Pregnant women should pay attention to safety when attending weddings, and avoid taking stairs and standing for a long time. If you need to stand for a long time, you can choose to wear comfortable shoes and have a proper rest.
Avoid crowds.
Pregnant women should try to avoid crowded places when attending the wedding to avoid accidents. If you can't avoid it, you can choose to wear loose clothes so that you can move freely.