Wang Xu, 1966, from Shangqiu, Henan. At the age of 3, my father died suddenly. He and his sister live on their mother's meager salary, and it is not easy for a family of four. At the age of 22, Wang Xu got married, and his daughter-in-law Lan Zhi gave birth to a big fat boy named Yulong. Although the older generation always said "get married", Wang Xu obviously only heard the first half of the sentence. After marriage, he went to Shaanxi and Urumqi to work as a porter. He has no education and can only earn money by endless strength.
From this point of view, Wang Xu is still very manly. Instead of giving in to fate, he bravely challenged it. Unfortunately, these purely physical jobs are destined to be just a "downhill road". With the growth of age, Wang Xu's body gradually became unbearable. In desperation, he had to come to Beijing to look for opportunities to change careers. In 2000, Wang Xu became an "old drifting north". The house he lives in is less than 10 square meter, and the monthly rent in 600 yuan is already a huge expense.
A song "In Spring" makes the audience feel the masculine charm of the rising sun. I have to say that this song is very suitable for them, and it is also very emotional and touching. But since the rising sun masculine became famous, there are almost no music works of its own. They cover other people's songs for a living, and even some singers sue Rising Sun Masculine. They feel that they have infringed, but their legal awareness is not strong. Without your own works, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the entertainment circle.
Rising Sun Masculine has also been famous for several years. In recent years, many singers have emerged in the music world, but the rising sun masculine still has no music works. For the audience, they lack freshness, and it is difficult for the audience to feel their characteristics. This is also the main reason why many online singers were eventually eliminated and forgotten by everyone.
Rising Sun Masculine was known by more people because he sang "In Spring" in the Spring Festival Evening, but Rising Sun Masculine did not improve himself or make a good plan for the future. In fact, they still have a market. After all, at that time, there were very few singers who collided with Rising Sun Masculine in the entertainment circle, but the team of Rising Sun Masculine did not make a good plan, which led them to be gradually forgotten by everyone. Now the rising sun masculine has no future.
How can a group without works and popularity make a living? Rising sun masculinity may have been popular in the early years, but they have nothing to refresh the audience except their voices. Therefore, the rising sun masculine has no market and no audience to support them. Rising sun masculine should increase exposure or participate in some variety shows, which will help both of them.
As we all know, In Spring is Wang Feng's work, and The Rising Sun is just a cover. Although people say that this song has a "soul" because of their singing, Wang Feng is the real owner of this song after all, and he soon stopped the "infringement" of Rising Sun masculine. In this way, rising sun masculinity and spring are getting farther and farther away, and gradually disappear in people's sight as time goes by.
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